Friday, March 9, 2012

"Housewives" Russell Armstrong and How to Cure Affluenza

The relentless chase for more and even more taxes the soul leaving it a life depleting case of affluenza. The more you value material wealth over all else the more the symptoms of emptiness and dissatisfaction are likely to manifest. Conspicuous consumption has created an epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness caused by the pursuit of having it all - and then some. Affluenza can kill.

Beverly Hills "Housewives" husband Russell Armstrong committed suicide. Those who knew him remarked that the TV show put a lot of pressure on him to produce financially to keep up with the Maloofs, another "Housewives" couple, billionaires who own the Sacramento Kings and the Las Vegas' Palms Resort. Armstrong couldn't keep up. At the time of his death Armstrong was more than $1.5 million in debt.If you, or someone you know, is suffering from the bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the Joneses then I have good news for you. There is a cure.

Here's the 2-step remedy:

1. Reexamine Your Values

If you feel unfulfilled or empty its because your investments of time and money are in things that don't deliver what you truly value. Ask yourself, "What is truly important to me in life?" Try to reduce your responses to a single word that encapsulates each anger. For example, your list of values might look like this: truth, health, love, success, freedom. Write down as many as you can think of. Narrow your list to the top three. From now on, make sure your pursuits and purchases are in alignment with and support what you value most. Invest in your soul rather than an inflated ego.

2. Make a Difference

Instead of investing in the greater good of you, contribute meaningfully to the greater good of all. Give beyond just your checkbook. Serve with your time. The more to help others the more you'll increase your sense of inner wealth. It's as simple as that.

Put an end to the dis-ease of affluenza by pursuing a life experience that enriches your soul rather than just your bank account. By doing so you'll achieve a sense of self worth far beyond the reach of material riches. After all, at the end of your life you're not going to think about how much money you have in the bank. You'll reflect upon your life and ask yourself these three questions:

1. Did I live freely?

Did I live unencumbered by expectations of others and society or did I hold myself back?

2. Did I love openly?

Did I love fully, unconditionally and with compassion. Was I loved that way in return?

3. Did I matter?

Did my life matter? Did I make a positive and meaningful difference in the lives of those I love and in the world?

If you can say YES to those three questions you've lived a life sroty well told. You know how it feels to feel wealthy from the inside out.

Inner Wealth Coach, Author and Speaker, Valery Satterwhite, helps affluent men and women reconnect with their greatest asset, themselves and what they value most, so that they can feel fulfilled and make a meaningful difference in the world. They create and enjoy wealth from the inside out as they serve the greater good of all including themselves. Get complimentary eBook at

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