Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fun Ways to Improve Mind Power

Whether you're becoming more forgetful as the years go on or you simply feel a need to understand things more clearly, you may be looking to improve mind power. You can achieve this goal by doing boring mental exercises every day, but why do that when you can have the save results with fun activities? Improving your thinking doesn't have to be dull and boring; in fact, it should be interesting and fun to keep your interest.

Sing in the Car

Sing out loud in the car but change up the words to a problem you are working on. Make up lyrics about a situation at work, your child's potty training or a constitutional law study group. This taps into the creative right half of your brain and gives it a workout. This exercise will help you to increase your problem solving abilities.

Learn While Driving

If you have a long commute every day, you may spend over an hour a day just sitting in the car. Take advantage of this free time and use it to learn a new subject. Find books on tape or CD that teach you a new language or talk about a complex subject such as astronomy or archaeology. You can repeat the lessons over and over until you completely understand the concepts, so difficult subjects will be easier to eventually understand.

Do Puzzles

Crossword puzzles, sodoku puzzles and even logic problems are enjoyable ways to stretch your brain. Buy some inexpensive puzzle books and keep them in the car and in your purse or backpack. Pull one out when you have a free ten minutes to take a quick mind-stretching break.

Do Yoga

Yoga has been known to help relax and free the mind, and minds free of stress work more smoothly. Find some kind of meditation or exercise program that engages your mind as well as your body. You'll find that you improve mind power when your brain is actually working at its peak performance level instead of being tied up worrying about common everyday problems. Relax and concentrate on nothing for a stress-free half hour each day.

Drink Wine

Moderate amount of wine are shown to be good for mind function. It includes antioxidants, which are good for preserving brain function. Women should consume only one glass of wine per day while men should limit their consumption to no more than two glasses. Drinking more than this can kill brain cells, reversing the process you're trying to encourage, so keep the wine drinking within moderation.

Ask Questions

Conceive of a new question each day and find out the answer. Find the reason behind sidewalk curbs, ask why vitamins have fillers, look into the relative shapes of different animals' feet. Look at the world around you and develop a curiosity about everything you see. Ask yourself questions and delve into the subjects until you find an answer. Developing a healthy curiosity can strengthen your mind, and learning effective search skills will expand your critical thinking.

Use these techniques to improve mind power that generate me hundreds of leads and multiple daily commisions here: and learn to improve your mind power and have the mindset of a champion! 

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