Thursday, March 1, 2012

5 Ways To Relax At Work

There is nothing worse than being totally stressed and being stuck somewhere you don't want to be. Oh wait—that's what most of the world goes through every day when they are at work. They can't go get a massage. Or call up a friend to vent. Or grab a cocktail. They have to stay where they are for another 1 to 9 hours depending on how far along in the work day they are. Luckily, there are some ways to de-stress while you're still in the workplace.

Water, that is. Water is crucial for keeping all of your organs working properly. His will help avoid any physical problems on top of just feeling stressed out. Also, you get to get up from your desk and walk to the water cooler.

We often forget without realizing it. Especially when we are concentrating on a task. If no one is around (or if you don't mind looking a bit silly) singing can actually help too. Taking large breaths in any way helps deliver oxygen to the brain which can fend off headaches. (But, to be fair, don't torture your co-workers with singing if you seriously need to improve your voice). Sometimes I just look up "voice lessons " or "voice coach" online and find free video tutorials on relaxing breathing exercises.

Those old receipts, faxes, and wrappers that you have been "meaning" to throw away—throw them away now. This will help you A) feel more organized and in control and B) lets you do something besides work for a moment. You will also still feel productive after doing this because it did need to get done.

Think positive:
Indulging in long conversations with yourself about how horrible your job is is not going to help anything. In fact, it will only make things worse because you probably zone out and put off something you need to do when you have those "inner monologues" and it will just make you feel even more stressed! Are the walls a depressing color? Is the person at the desk next to you super annoying? Are you underpaid? Thinking about these things will only bring them to your attention more.

Go for a stroll:
Hey, sometimes you do just need to actually leave. If you desperately need a break, go for a 5 to 10 minute walk. Don't push yourself when you've hit a wall. Your performance at work will only go down.

Okay! I hope one day you do get paid more and those walls are painted a brighter color but until then, just take these tips.

Vera Esther is a healthy living, dating and luxury lifestyle writer. She has blogged about everything from organic wine tasting to how to tell if your first date is controlling and even innovative ways to pursue hobbies like learning how to sing online with sites like

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