Monday, March 19, 2012

Guide to Smoking Cessation

So many Americans every year try to quit smoking, but not very many succeed. Smoking is such an engrained habit, and it is physiologically addicting, so kicking the habit is really difficult for many people. But you need to stop smoking! If you are a man, you are going to lose an average of 13 years of your life from smoking! And you are not going to live the life that you do have as healthily. If you are a women, you're going to lose about 14 years of your life. So, read on and learn some of the tips that you need to try to stop smoking.

First, it's very important to have a concrete reason why you want to stop smoking. If you just say you want to stop because it's bad for you, your chances of success are less. You will want to come up with a specific reason to quit that has a deeper meaning for you. You might say that you want to be sure you're going to be around to see your grandchildren graduate from high school. Or perhaps you don't want to die a terrible death from cancer. Any reason that you choose needs to have meaning for you. What works for one person may not work for you.

Second, never try to stop smoking all at once. It is very tempting to just say one day, that's it. I'm not smoking anymore. But the odds are heavily stacked against you if you try to quit the habit in this way. As we said earlier, smoking is a habit that is based in physiology as well as psychology. So if you just cut your body off from nicotine all at once, you are going to have a very tough time of it. Did you know that well over 90% of people who quit cold turkey do not succeed? You'll have a much higher chance of stopping smoking if you use some sort of therapy or medication to help you wean yourself off the cancer sticks over time.

Third, you are going to feel the annoying effects of withdrawal from nicotine. You might feel irritated, frustrated, depressed and restless. You will sometimes be overwhelmed by your urge to have just one more smoke. Experts have found that products including nicotine gum and nicotine patches can boost your chance of quitting smoking by 200 percent.

Fourth, don't be a lone ranger when you try to stop smoking. You should let your family and friends know what you are doing. They will give you a lot of encouragement and this can make the difference in your success, or failure.

Fifth, you need to avoid any activities that you associate with smoking. Perhaps you liked to have a cocktail in the evening and a cigarette? You should avoid drinking that cocktail in the evening, then. This is not to say you should stop drinking while you quit smoking, but change things up. Have your drink at a different time and in a different place. You will probably want to stay away from bars where everyone is smoking.

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