Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How To Reduce Stress And Achieve Work-Life Balance Part 4

Are you working hard or hardly working? Think really hard about that one. Are you neglecting the things in your business that you don't like to do and focusing on the things you like so much, that you're off balance? Be honest with yourself and I'll give you tips to reduce stress and create work-life balance. What are your biggest time drains? What do you dread doing? You know you must get them done. Why don't you get someone else to it?

On the home front, what are the things that you dread doing? For years, I was making a transition and slowly giving up pieces of our housecleaning to a cleaning lady--first the dusting, then the baseboards; then the bathrooms. I'm happy to report that I don't clean my house at all--personally! And don't you know, I realized something very important. I wanted to be able to write more articles and more books, and if I started cleaning, I was wasting valuable writing time.

When you get really clear about what you want and what your mission is, you are on your way to work-life balance. And women, listen up! Do you really think that having a spic-and-span bathroom floor is the legacy you are meant to leave in this world? Really, think about it! Is your legacy making sure that everything in your house is neat and clean and there is no dust?

Here's what I have to say. So what if your house is as dusty as the Pyramids at Giza?? That means you're creative, you're doing something with your intellectual capital, and you had to give up doing what was a waste of time. Remember, when you're at a potluck, you have to take something off your plate to be able to have room for something else that is delectable.

Think of it like this: To use a foodie example, what do you heap on your plate? What are the dishes you relish eating? And what, conversely, would you like spit discreetly into your napkin? Get clear on which is which. Then take the stuff you hate eating and get it off your plate so you can pile on the delectables.

Such is writing for me; I completely enjoy doing it and hours go by before I even notice. Good writing can turn into a new presentation, a new article, a new book, or even a new audio when it is re-purposed into another form. It is one of the best ways I can capture and share my knowledge and message with clients and prospects. The moment I stop writing is the moment I stop providing value to those I serve.

So what does this mean to you? I have some good and bad news for you. The bad news is you've got to learn how to delegate the tasks you don't like that consume your time, energy, money, and resources. These time-consuming tasks are taking you away from the things you originally set out to make money doing and they're destroying your business plan--and profits.

The good news is that I've got a special formula that will help you figure out how to delegate this junk out and therefore reduce stress. Keep an eye out for part 5 in this series and you'll be well on your way to less stress and more work-life balance in your business and beyond..

Dr. Barnsley Brown is a professional speaker and coach who loves helping busy professionals create balance and prosperity. Want to have 2+ more hours every day for who and what you love? Find out how with Dr. Brown's fun, info-packed report, "How to Overcome Overwhelm in Seven Easy Steps" at

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