Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The 3 Commandments of a Success Consciousness

On the whole, service oriented business owners need to develop and maintain a success consciousness for themselves to keep their business in the black, and to grow it. If you are a service oriented business, it is also important to have a success consciousness for your customers and clients. Whether you realize it or not, your degree of consciousness is on display to your customers by how you interact with them, and by the experiences they have with you. The condition of your business, the quality of your service and the feeling people have when interacting with you, or your business is a direct reflection of your level of consciousness.

Why is this important to be aware of your level of consciousness? It is important because the greater your level of consciousness, the better you are at being able to serve your clients. Your clients often come to your businesses not only for services, but also for more inspiration and guidance on how to have success for themselves. If your business is disorganized, you have trouble making your rent, or your personal life is in chaos, then how can you be the shining beacon of light for your clients? Even if prospects may not be consciously aware of this, on some level, they DO know. Why should they spend thousands and thousands of dollars on business success consulting with someone who is struggling just as much as they are?

The good news is that it isn't as difficult, or doesn't take as long to turn things around as you might think. If you are aware of the 3 commandments of success consciousness, you can apply them not only to your business, but to your personal life as well. Using these concepts consistently and in a grounded way, will allow swift changes in not only your life, but the life of your clients as well. They will see just how powerfully you are living your life and handling your business, and will have more trust in what you are selling, and will therefore purchase more from you.

The 3 commandments are:

Be unconditional in your thoughts, viewpoints and actions

You are a powerful being, and every belief, thought and action you take is of some purpose. It either is taking you where you want to go or not. There is no right or wrong with your decisions and actions, only 'moving closer', or 'moving away'. When you look at yourself from this point of view, you will be more willing to look at your beliefs, thoughts and actions that don't support what you want in your life because you are not judging yourself as good or bad, or right or wrong. This one commandment alone will speed up your success consciousness because you no longer have to play the games of keeping yourself in the illusion that what you are doing is truly pushing away what it is you want. Releasing all judgments allows you to hold the mirror to yourself and not see right or wrong, good or bad, only you and how much you are supporting your goals through your thoughts, words and actions.

Take 100% responsibility for your experience

When you realize that you are 100% responsible for your experiences, you begin to move yourself from the one that is buffeted by life and blown here and there by the winds of the economy, other people's conditional thoughts and actions, the political climate, or anything else external. The good news is that when you command responsibility for your experiences, you give yourself the power to change them. You can only change what you do accept responsibility for. Take 100% of the responsibility, and you can change 100% of your life.

Be conscious of your thoughts from moment to moment.

The basis of how you experience your reality stems directly from your thoughts and beliefs (which is just a thought you automatically think). What you are experiencing in the moment is a result of a series of thoughts from previous moments. If you want to change your experiences in life for the better, you must first change your thoughts from conditional to unconditional. Observe your thoughts in each and every moment and observe your emotional responses to what you experience. Are your thoughts mostly negative? Do you consistently imagine and feel failure or struggle when you think about your goals, or what you say you want? Do you feel dread or fear when you think about having what you say you want or do you feel joy and excitement? It is important to observe yourself with a detached attitude. It's not about making your thoughts right or wrong, but about seeing where you are in the moment and then allowing yourself to be in the joy of knowing where you are so you know the direction you need to move in to have what you say you want. As the saying by Earl Nightengale goes: "You get what you think about most of the time."

When you realize that you are 100% responsible for your experiences, you begin to understand that you can change your experiences through approaching and doing things differently. The more your intention is on doing it differently through love, the more you will notice how you are currently making choices, and what are your dominant thoughts from moment to moment. When you have a habit in place of unconditionally observing your thoughts and emotions, you see where you are making choices and having emotions that may not support what you say that you want.

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