Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Listen To Your Words

"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought." -Peace Pilgrim

Have you ever listened to yourself talk? Or, do you ever tune into what you are thinking? Just for today become aware of your words and your thoughts. I think you will be surprised by the choice of words you use to describe how you're doing and how you feel. And, you will be equally surprised at how your thoughts are consumed with people and situations that bring up less than desirable emotions.

Typically they are innocuous little comments that may seem innocent enough but, they impact your mood, your life and how you live more than you realize. Your life and how you experience it are paved by your words and thoughts. Do you say or think things like I can't afford that, life sucks, I'll never meet anyone, I'm worn out, I'm overwhelmed, that's a dream not reality, I keep getting knocked down, I can't go on, my heart is broken, I'll never get out of debt and on and on?

Begin to understand that it's your very words and thoughts that create how you feel. Many people think it's their circumstances that cause them to feel bad or sad, depressed or hopeless. And of course anytime "bad" things happen you're going to have those immediate negative emotions but, it's how you deal with it after the dust settles that determines how you live your life going forward.

You can either get a mental grip on it, pick yourself up and wipe yourself off. Or, you can wallow in it and drown yourself in self-pity and sorrow. And, if you're wondering which one of these things you do, just stop and listen to yourself talk and become aware of your thoughts; then you won't have to wonder any longer why you are where you are and why you feel like you feel.

When you begin to become more aware of the words you choose and the thoughts you think you can then decide if they serve you or limit you. Do they make you feel happy or do they drag you further down? Do they inspire you to feel better or do they keep you stuck where you are?

Use your words and thoughts to create a new way of living. When you catch yourself going down that road with your old way of thinking stop yourself and redirect yourself to a path lined with new thoughts. Thoughts of strength, courage and faith that everything is working out. Think of forgiveness, love and trust that no matter what is going on in your life you are being divinely guided by a power greater than yourself.

Your words can make heaven out of hell or hell out of heaven it's up to you to choose what you're going to say and think. It's okay to stumble over your old words and old way of thinking as long as when you get back up you replace those footsteps with words that will take your life in a new direction.

Whether you believe it or not or whether you know it or not you CAN change your life by what you think and say. And make no mistake about it, your words and thoughts create your beliefs which cause you to look at life and experience life through the lens of these exact words and thoughts; they create your view.

So if you don't believe it, why not broaden your perspective and just try it. Take the next couple of days, or weeks and get in tune with what's going on in your head. Try and direct your mind to those kinds of thoughts that are positive instead of negative, that lift you up not drag you down, and think of what you want; don't dwell on what you don't want.

At the very least you can then decide which path you'd rather walk through life. A path paved with darkness, fears and negativity or one flourishing with light, love and gratitude. The bottom line is it really is your choice!

To find out more about how to stop wasting your time and begin living your best life now, go to: http://www.susanrusso.com Susan's work has inspired people from all over the world to take back their power! Learn the secrets in Susan's new book: "The 7 Keys to Unlock the Power Within You." We all make decisions everyday, why not make the decision to live a better life starting now?

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