Until you're completely honest with yourself you will live in self-deceit and that is nowhere you want to be. There is a reason there is the saying: The truth will set you free! "Every lie has a consequence….you cannot escape that." -Gary King
I can't tell you how many times I hear people saying things about themselves or about their circumstances and these statements are simply not true. Okay, so if you really believe it, is it a lie? Well, when people are brainwashed and join cults, they really believe the crap their fed, right? And it's a lie!
So yes, just because you convinced yourself it's the truth doesn't mean it is the truth. You will see a lot of these lies coming out of someone's mouth when they want to blame the other person for what happened to them. These types of people DO NOT take responsibility for their actions or their circumstances, it's always everybody's fault but their own.
They want to blame everyone else and everything else but themselves because they can't handle the truth about who they are or who they've become. They tout how unfair the other person is or how unfair life has treated them. And guess what; until they can face reality it will never change because they always have an excuse to hide under!
Typically people who lie about things like this live in a dark place. Some are incapable of being honest about anything and if you are involved with or no someone like this trying to get them to face the truth is almost impossible so don't waste your time. Use your time to change the things you can instead.
The other area where I hear way too many lies spewing from the undeserving is in the self-loathing department. There is a funny book out called, Self Loathing for Beginners. Lynn Phillips shows the absurdity of the things we say and do to ourselves by bringing humor to the insanity of it all.
I'm sure you hear it all the time and you may even be the one saying it. For instance have you ever heard yourself or anyone say:
* I'm too fat. (In the mean time you may be all of 20 pounds overweight!) It's time to re-define the word, fat.
* I'm too old. How old are you? How old is too old and who told you that you're too old? And you believe them?
* I can't. If you believe you can't, you won't. If you believe you can, you will.
* It's too late. For what? Haven't you heard, it's never too late!
* I'll never meet anyone. Why? Do you live in a cave? Are you a hermit? When you believe you will, you will!
* No one will ever love me. I love you! Your friends and family love you. And, when you learn to love yourself, so will others.
And lastly people aren't being honest with themselves about their ability to live the life they want. They tell themselves false stories as to why they will never have the love, or money, or body, or new career, their soul-mate or any of their hearts desires to come to pass.
They begin to believe that it's just the way it is and there is nothing they can do about it and I'm sorry to say, that is simply a lie. Now, if you want the truth you have to dig deep inside and see who you really are, a wonderful, divine person who has the God given power to do the thing you think you can't.
The truth is that you can do whatever it is you want when you believe you can. The truth is you don't deserve to believe these false beliefs you've been feeding yourself about who you are because you are so much more than you have given yourself credit to be. You are who you believe you are!
So today, be honest with yourself. You may not love where you are right now in life but that doesn't mean that things can't change. As you know, life is a journey and it's all about enjoying the place you are right now along the path that will begin to shed light on your days instead of darkness.
Your future is yours to create, one filled with love, happiness, peace of mind or whatever you truly want. And that my friends, is the truth!
Susan Russo is fast becoming known as a miracle worker in transforming people's lives. She has the ability to turn negative circumstances into life changing opportunities. No matter where you are in life, Susan knows how to help you achieve whatever you desire. If you want to change your life, she is the go to coach. To learn more about Susan's products and services go to: http://www.susanrusso.com And, pick up a copy of her FREE ecourse too!
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