Sunday, January 27, 2013

Got a List of Life Coaches? 4 Tips for Picking the Right One

Since life coaching is such a booming industry, there are plenty of life coaches to choose from. And, since you can do your sessions over the phone or over the internet, you literally can pick a life coach from anywhere in the world!

So, how do you find the right life coach?

Follow these 4 tips:

1. Get someone who's done what you want to do.

Far more important than being "certified" or processing some sort of "certification", is finding someone who's done what it is you want to do. Think about it. How is someone who smokes going to be able to help you stop smoking or someone who's fifty pounds overweight going to help you lose weight? The short answer is... they can't!

2. Look at your potential life coach's experience.

Rather than merely having a bunch of letters after their name, a good life coach will have some kind of relevant formal experience. In other words, when it comes to doing what you want to do, they'll have been there, done that. That way, you'll get a life coach who's more than just a cheerleader; you'll have someone with real-life experience to lend you their expertise and insight.

3. Get a life coach that speaks to you like a person.

While life coaches can be great motivators, they also shouldn't sound like cheerleaders. If you're getting more "rah rah" than meaningful conversation from your life coach, you're missing out. The key to good life coaching is mixing the style with the substance.

Conversely, though, good life coaches don't talk like they're reciting facts from a text book. Yes, you want a life coach who's knowledgeable, but that doesn't mean you need someone who just spouts off facts and figures - without any real insight.

The best life coaching eliminates the psycho-babble and the complicated jargon and talks to you in plain English. After all, you and your life coach are a team... you need to be able to communicate like one!

4. Look for a life coach you can be honest with.

When you get life coaching, you're focusing on making positive changes in your life. However, you can't do that by holding back. You need a life coach you feel comfortable with, one you can be totally honest with.

Even if a potential life coach has the greatest resume in the world, he or she still may not be right for you and your specific needs. To see if your potential life coach is a good match for you personally, it may take an initial conversation or even a first session. If you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable - or feel like you can't speak freely - find another life coach. Without the power of full disclosure, life coaching will never work!

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the creator of Tony Mase's Inner Circle "Fast-Track Coaching" - a hard hitting, no-holds-barred website that'll teach you step-by-step and click-by-click how to really succeed in life. Check it out now at:

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