Thursday, January 3, 2013

How Do You Want to Feel?

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

-Norman Vincent Peale

Today is a new day and like today and every day you decide how you are going to feel by what you choose to think about. No kidding, even though your circumstances can have an impact on your life, how you CHOOSE to deal with whatever it is will be how you experience it.

How you choose to view what has happened or is happening to you will affect your mood, your outlook, your depression level or happiness level, and it affects everyone around you.

And, it will ultimately affect how you go through each day; either sinking in the quicksand of negativity, self-victimized and dwelling on how bad you feel. Or, determined, accepting of what is and pushing yourself forward instead of living in the ghost town of the past.

First figure out if you can change your situation or not. And, when trying to figure out if you can change your circumstance remember one very important factor: YOU CAN'T CHANGE ANOTHER PERSON to have them become who and what you wish they would be. So give up that fantasy because it will only keep you stuck in depression.

If you're living with someone who makes your life miserable and you want them to change, chances are you have a better chance of winning the lottery. I have seen so many people "hang in there" myself included, because you wanted so desperately to make things work, IF ONLY they would change.

Guess what? Trying to make someone be someone they're not is like trying to get blood out of a rock. So quit trying. It would be a lot less painful for you to go outside and bang your head up against a brick wall than the pain of trying to change a person who will never change. They are who they are, accept it and figure out what you want to do with your life now that you know the truth.

Equally as futile is hoping that your situation will change when it's over and done with; it's water under the bridge. This is where people get stuck living in the past. How do you think you are going to feel when you replay all of the sad, gory details of why your life isn't where you want it to be? And, when you choose to hit the replay button...get real clear on one thing....that's a choice!!!

Go ahead, if you want to keep crying, feeling sorry for yourself and living your life wishing things would've turned out differently, don't be surprised when you feel like crap all day long.

Look, NO ONE wants to go through heartache and pain. NO ONE likes it when adversity visits their doorstep and NO ONE gets through this life without experiencing these things in one form or another. So, knowing that it's going to be your turn someday, figure out how you are going to deal with it when it does happen.

Here's the thing. As crazy as it sounds, you are the only one who can choose how you are going to go through the experience. And you do this by what you continually tell yourself over and over again about whatever it is you are dealing with. And, whatever it is you are telling yourself about it is exactly how you are going to feel about it.

So decide how you want to feel and then begin to think the kinds of thoughts that will bring you to that place instead of the kinds of thoughts that will only keep you drowning in depression and self-pity.

You have the power to control your thoughts. And, at any given second you can change your mind. They say change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change. Don't settle for feeling bad when you can feel good by what you choose to think!

Try it; what do you have to lose? (That's a loaded question).

To find out more about how to stop wasting your time and begin living your best life now, go to: Susan's work has inspired people from all over the world to take back their power! Learn the secrets in Susan's new book: "The 7 Keys to Unlock the Power Within You." We all make decisions everyday, why not make the decision to live a better life starting now?

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