Friday, November 23, 2012

Life Fulfillment In One's Golden Years

When you spend some time reading the newspapers, magazines and viewing shows on television, you will find that society is obsessed with finding ways to avoid old age. Now how do you do that, when everyone will inevitably grow old - well, unless they die of all these activities and stress the new generation is faced with?

People love thinking, dressing and acting as though they don't look or feel their age. They have mastered the art of pretending - pretending that they will miraculously traverse from their 30's right into near-death! In short, their numerical age stops at 30, and re-starts just when death is knocking at their doors.

Why is there a negative connotation to the term "senior?" Is it a time to be scared of? Should people past 60 just wait for their time, or are they finally free from the obligations of youth and adulthood? Old age should be celebrated, not abhorred. It's the time to relax and do the things you've been wanting to do. It's the time to seek the fulfilment you need. Here are some ways to come to terms with your senior years:

Don't stick to the stereotypes associated with age. If you like doing something, then do it! If you have health problems, find a way to work around them; consult a doctor is you must. Another good tip is to associate with people from various sectors, walks of life, social classes, or age. Don't limit your friendships to people from your age group.. You don't have to act and think like the young ones, but you may find the views and perspectives of younger people either refreshing or amusing.

Tackle the inevitable issue of health by changing your bad habits. Okay, your body isn't like it used to be, so you must be careful with your habits. No more drinking 'til you drop, or eating as though it were your last meal. Eat healthy. If you used to smoke, stop it by all means! Try exercising lightly - swimming is a good form of exercise for older people. Lastly, think positive - your health will greatly improve if you do.

Make an effort to be happy. With old age comes a variety of inconveniences, like aching muscles, less mobility, blurry vision, and digestive problems. It's inevitable for the body to wear down, after year of use. The trick is to maintain happiness despite of all the things you are feeling physically. Remember, it's only your physical body that is slowing down. Your heart and soul remain the same. Come to terms with the truth… and seek happiness in ways other than the ones you were used to.

Start a hobby. If you were too busy before to do something worthwhile (other than making money0, then start a hobby. A hobby gives you a goal to work towards. It helps while away time, and helps you not to get bored and immobile. Just make sure the hobby is enjoyable, affordable, and is practiced with restraint.

Spend time with friends. Nothing is more fulfilling than being part of a whole. Cultivate friendships, because these will help you feel happy, needed and appreciated. Join associations, groups or take some lessons on a variety of light subjects. This keeps your mind active, thus lessening your feelings of "ebbing away. "It's great to be surrounded by people you love - nope, not your immediate family, but other people who can give you different insights, tell you interesting and unfamiliar stories, or maybe even laugh at your humorous life anecdotes.

Do good things for others. Admit it or not, now that you are no longer spending much on your kids' needs, you now have more money which you can use to your heart's desire. So why don't you help the needy? It's a really fulfilling feeling to be able to do something good for others. Connect with people in the most positive way you can, try to make a difference in their lives. You will always be a part of the people you helped out. If you don't have much to spare, then impart knowledge; let others learn from the lessons you learned from your own exciting life. Be a blessing to others.

Stop fearing death. Why do people have a fear of dying? Is it because they haven't been able to fulfil their life goals, or is it the finality of death that they fear? Well your goals will remain unfulfilled if you never start accomplishing them, or if you have left out the conclusion. Act now. Come into terms with the concept of death, because everyone has to die at one point or another. Try to achieve inner peace.

Being old does not translate to being useless. If anything, being old means having freedom from obligations. It's your time now - make the most of it. To be truly happy, you don't need a youthful body or a wrinkle-free face - you need peace that comes from knowing that you have lived your life to the fullest, which is much more than younger people can say for themselves.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets of a Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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