Saturday, November 10, 2012

Debt And Suicide - Don't Hit Rock Bottom, Here's Help To Start To Feel Better

Recent research shows that more and more people are considering suicide because of debt. Being surrounded by mountains of debt can drastically affect the quality of life a person has. His relationships with other people are tampered, he suffers from emotional and psychological struggles, and of course, his ability to function well is negatively affected.

Aside from its negative effects on your credit rating, inability to repay your debt can create a strain to your relationships with your loved ones. It can take away all the happiness and joy which you deserve. In fact, 90% of divorce cases is actually triggered by monetary issues. It can also cost you your job, status and income which can later lead to depression.

In fact, in a debt counselling involving 1500 participants, when the clients were asked about how they felt before getting help, 40% of them revealed that they attempted or considered committing suicide. Due to depression, many people are pushed to committing suicide as many of them felt that they have actually reached the rock bottom. But did you know that recovery is possible? Yes, you heard it right, recovery is very possible.

Youths are one of the most susceptible to committing suicide as many of them are easily encouraged to get credit cards. At first, repayment of debt may seem manageable but as time passes by, they begin to have a hard time in repaying their debts. Eventually, they will take out a loan to repay their current debt. The young adult's debt continues to pile up and before they know it, they are now receiving letters and notices from lending companies. This makes them very susceptible to suffer from depression due to a number of factors. When left unaddressed, their current situation may push them to commit suicide.

According to research, depression is the number one cause of suicide. A person who suffers from depression cannot think or produce just judgment due to the chemical imbalances in his brain. This makes people with depression very susceptible to committing suicide.

No matter how high your debt is, putting an end to your life is never a solution. All predicaments and dilemmas especially when it concerns money have solutions. So what are the ways on how to overcome your current depressing situation?

Stop Thinking About Suicide
First, stop thinking about committing suicide. Think of all the people who deeply love you. Instead, confide your problems with them and who knows, they might just help in you in formulating effective solutions to your problems. You will need all the support and love they can give in overcoming your present situation. You can also try talking to a psychologist, spiritual or religious leader, counsellor or a private therapist.

There are even hotlines and online helps whom you can call and talk to twenty four hours a day. These helps are usually beneficial to people who are reluctant or embarrassed about sharing their own problems in the physical presence of other people.

Avoid Drugs and Alcohol
Never try using alcohol or drugs when you are in crisis. It can worsen your problem. It negatively affects your judgment making you more volatile and susceptible to killing or hurting yourself.

Be Inspired!
How many billionaires and millionaires do you know? Did you know how they were able to acquire their current wealth and status? You might be surprised to know that some of them have also been through a lot of rough times. At some point in their life, they have managed to stumble but with perseverance, luck and determination, they bounce back.

Do you know the owner of Disneyland? He once declared bankruptcy but look how successful he is now. even Abraham Lincoln also struggled financially. It took him almost 17 years to payoff all of his debts to friends. There are still lots of celebrities and famous personalities out there who have mismanaged their fortune but through time, they were able to redeem themselves and now, they're back on track! You can do it too!

Talk to a Finance Expert!
Instead of keeping your problem to yourself, act now! Make an appointment with a finance expert now. He can surely help you in overcoming your debt. Undeniably, many people remain reluctant about sharing their financial problems with these specialists. Most of them are having difficulties in sharing their financial issues as money is usually seen as a symbol of power, security and control.

Unfortunately, they are taking the wrong move. Finance experts are there to help and you can be assured that your situation will be taken with utmost consideration. These finance specialists can formulate effective ways on how you can get rid of your financial problems. Though it may take quite a time to overcome your current financial dilemma, at least you can be assured that a sound solution exists other then putting an end to your life. They can always help you in finding solutions but the problem will continue to transpire as long as you don't learn your lesson in spending.

Want great FREE downloadable guides on this topic? It is fascinating series that will really help in changing your views about committing suicide. Click on suicide and debt to enter the free guides section.

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