Monday, October 29, 2012

Your Personal Development Plan: How Determined Are You to Take Control Of Life?

Have you ever wondered why it seems so effortless for some people to be successful: to follow their very own personal development plan? There are people who have reached success pretty effortlessly but not that many. We only see them after they have become successful. We are not always aware of what they had to go through or what obstacles they had to overcome to get there. It is just when you hear their stories you discover the struggle they had and the hurdles they had to get over.

You often find many failed far more times than they succeeded. But they did not give up until they achieved their goals and got what the wanted. The one thing they had in common was their determination to take control of life. They were all very determined not to let life dictate its terms to them. This kind of determination is one of the keys to your following your personal development plan.

Never Quit

This could be your slogan whatever goals you want to reach. The one underlying trait of most successful people is their determination to stay the course - to never quit. You can see and hear this theme coming through their lives. Some stories are astounding when you hear of what appear to be insurmountable obstacles people encountered but they were not deterred.

A television interviewer asked Donald Trump what the he thought was the secret of success, what advice he might have for others. He said, "Never quit". He did not tell us to get a university degree or to work hard or to save money and invest it - all good things in themselves - he simply told us not to give up.

Stay Focused

Never forget what you are trying to achieve. Write down what you want and keep referring to them. Visualize having them and enjoying them. Look for objects or pictures that remind you of your goals and keep them around you. A colleague of mine wanted to own a Porsche and he kept a model on his desk. His business went very close to failing but he took a big risk and went deeper into debt, always believing he would succeed. Had it failed he would have lost everything, including his home. His determination paid off and he made a lot of money. He got his Porsche. That model car helped him stay focused.

Expect Success

Do you really expect to be successful? Have you enough confidence in yourself and in your plans to see the rewards coming your way? Some people feel they unworthy and do not deserve success. If that is the case, you have to change the way you feel. You can do this with inspirational quotes, reading inspirational books and using power of mind techniques such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Fill you mind with positive, inspirational sayings and thoughts - listen to DVDs, watch videos, read books. These are all tools that will help you take control of life.

Then throw yourself one hundred percent to the pursuit of you goals. Throw yourself into going after what you want regardless of how you feel or what objections might come to mind. Positive thinking coupled with positive action and a strong determination will set you on a firm course to help you follow your personal development plan.

You can get FREE software to help you use power of mind techniques to follow your personal development plan when you visit William Burnell has built and sold his own business, and he has run successful sales teams. He knows what it takes to stay motivated and to stay focused on your objectives.

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