Saturday, October 13, 2012

Overcoming Fear And Self-Doubt

Everyone has a goal or a dream. It is that which motivates a person to keep moving forward and see it to completion. It could be a simple goal, such as losing some weight, or applying for your dream job. It could be something bigger, like opening your dream business, or finally purchasing your first home. Whatever it is, it should encourage you to go beyond what you would normally expect from yourself.

However, if you are like most people, you will experience different levels of fear and nervousness. It is that butterfly-in-the-stomach feeling you get - when your heart beats faster, your teeth chatter, you sweat buckets and experience sleepless nights.

These are actually normal feelings brought about by the uncertainty of possible results. The thought of plunging into unchartered waters does seem daunting, and quite nerve-wracking.

However, if these feelings make you freeze with fright and make you give up on a goal, then it becomes an abnormal fear. Self-doubt is totally detrimental to one's growth as a person. Unusual fear will result to non-action, and you end up a failure - even before you start.

How does one overcome fear and self-doubt? Here are a few steps you must take in order to shake it off from your life.

Make a commitment to yourself. The best way to motivate yourself is to commit to the fulfilment of your goal. Make the decision to see it through. There will be obstacles, but with dedication and a positive mindset, you will see your goal coming into fruition, and your self-doubt melting right before you. Stop worrying about things that might happen. Instead, plant the seed of hope and resolve inside you - because these will be the fuel to light up that fire of determination which you need to achieve your goals. Fulfil the commitment you made to yourself, because no one else will do it for you.

Separate yourself from your fears. Whether you like it or not, fear and self-doubt will always come a-knocking on your door. It's like the devil, tempting those who have the most faith. Although some fears are not entirely baseless, remember that you are given talents to counteract them. Always keep in mind that fear is just an emotion - which means, it has no business messing with your life.

Change your attitude about failure. Rather than view failure as obstacles, see them lessons. Admit it - not all your endeavours will go as planned and not all plans will succeed. If it were so easy to be successful, then there wouldn't really be a big deal about success. People will not try so hard, and no one will push themselves beyond their limits. Change your view about failure - look at them as bit and pieces of life lessons that help you grow stronger with every incidence.

Build up your confidence. Take a step back and assess your self - what are your strengths? What are the things you are better at when compared to others? Oftentimes, you don't realize how lucky you are compared to others - and viewing your life from a different perspective opens your mind to possibilities which you don't know you were capable of reaching. Empower yourself by thinking of what it is in you that makes you above par. Use these attributes to trample on fear and self-doubt. Be confident, and believe than you are capable!

The only way to get rid of doubt is by keeping reality in perspective. People are all made of the same fibre - some are stronger, while others break when faced with challenges. Don't be part of the broken. Instead, be a believer - and show them that you, too, can be successful in whatever you want to do. Remember, only you and you alone can do this - no one can do it for you.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets of a Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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