Sunday, October 21, 2012

Creating A Fulfilled Life

The choice to make your life happy depends on your attitude. There will be others, who will attempt to destroy your spirit, but in the end, it's how you decide to react to events and people who will help you achieve the fulfilment you seek in life.

Below are 10 of the countless ways to make your life more happy and satisfying:

Make the choice not to worry. Worrying sabotages success and leads to a number of physical ailments. Don't worry. And yes, it is a choice.

Practice objectivity. Be objective in your decision-making and risk-taking. Know the facts and avoid letting racial, social, or any other type of bias influence your decisions. Great leaders perform their best when they act based on facts, not on emotion or prejudices. Become a great leader in your life.

Do not waste your time with judgment. The way that is best for you to grow may not be the best way for another person to grow, thus do not waste your time judging other people or how they choose to grow. Instead, concern yourself with how you are choosing to grow. If you want love, peace of mind and joy in your life, then offer that which you desire to experience to all your brothers and sisters. When you judge others, you will experience a feeling of heaviness and sadness within you, and the more you do so the heavier and sadder you will feel. When you love and accept others, you will feel a sense of liberation, a sense of lightness within. Look upon people not with judging eyes, but with compassionate eyes. Do so and you will experience a more compassionate world.

Beware of indecision. Nobody said life is easy, and sometimes you have to make the tough choices. Never put off a decision that you can make today. You may miss some of the best and most exciting opportunities in the world because you were indecisive. Successful people didn't get where they were at by prolonging or going back and forth on decisions!

Live for you. Life is too short to be living out the desires of another person - be it a parent, grandparent, friend or lover. If your parents want you to be a doctor and you want to be a dancer, follow your heart. At the end of the day, your heart is the truest compass you've got. But also serve others. Live for you, but always ask yourself how you can be of service to the people around you.

Tolerate your own mistakes. You will make mistakes - in fact, you will make so many mistakes you will never be able to list them all. Learn that mistakes happen and the best thing you can do is to learn from them. Don't spend your entire life dwelling on a mistake you made years ago - learn from it and move on. The world isn't going to wait while you live in the past.

Keep good company. Surround yourself with people that value themselves and who value and support you. Say "no" to toxic relationships. Spend time with the people you love - especially when you have no time.

Have a sense of humour. Laugh, joke, and now and then pick up a cream pie and throw it! Laughter has been shown to help people live longer, reduce their blood pressure, and help them relate to people from around the world.

Make forgiveness a tool you use every day. The opposite of judgment is forgiveness. You forgive someone because when you do, this releases you from the negativity that judgment forces you to carry. Forgiving someone sets you free. Choosing not to forgive someone does you no good, it only weighs you down with those emotions that you even carry with you into your bed at night. Not forgiving someone can have you tossing and turning all night long. Instead forgive, surrender your worries, and sleep in peace. Now if you find yourself having to forgive a friend over and over again, maybe it's a good idea to find a more mature friend.

Keep life simple. Far too many of us are always over analysing and looking for the most complicated way of doing things in life. Sometimes life was meant to be simple - a walk through the park, a simple yes or no answer, or a quiet evening with the family. Don't try and clutter your life with unnecessary decisions by making everything complicated and complex. Keep it simple!

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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