Wednesday, October 10, 2012

4 Feel-Good Decisions To Make Your Life More Fulfilling

Sometimes, you feel inexplicably depressed even when you should be happy. You have a great job, a full wallet, a solid family, a beautiful house - yet, you feel empty. We all have days like these.

When you are in a constant pursuit of happiness and never quite come close to actually getting it, you may actually be doing stuff which do not really make you complete. Perhaps you are doing the things that don't truly matter. Constantly thinking of things that temporarily bring you enjoyment will leave you tired and unfulfilled in the long run.

So how can you bring more fulfilment in your life? Below are some feel-good ways of pursuing that ever-elusive happiness factor.

Let go. Admit it - we hang on to too many hurts and pains from our past that slowly but surely turn into monsters that eat up at our happiness in the present. We try to justify them as events from which to learn a lesson or two, but in our constant looking back, these subconsciously stress us out and make moving on much harder. The real lesson to be learned here is - stop looking back at your past, because no amount of looking back will ever change it. The key is to live in the present, concentrate on things you can still control, and don't get too caught up in preparing for the future.

Get back up after each failure as soon as possible. Failing is debilitating. It hurts like hell; it disenables us from thinking logically, and paralyses us into non-movement. After every fall, it is okay to allow yourself some time to recuperate from the pain, but to stay down for longer than necessary is definitely NOT the proper way to live! Pick yourself up after thinking about the pain. Resolve not to make the same mistakes from your past. With the negative being gone; put it behind you permanently is the surest way to happiness as well as to realise that you always have time to rectify mistakes and get back up from countless failures.

Stay in close touch with friends and family. Your family and friends are the rocks behind your existence. They will stick by you and support you, pick you up and accept you in spite of, despite of. Even when you are already on your own, living the good life, enjoying (or even if you're not) success, your family will still see you as their little "boy" or "girl." Never burn bridges, because no matter how many times you turn you back on them, they will always be there to support you and to love you. Nothing is more fulfilling than keeping the bonds of friendship and family alive.

Spread love and kindness. When you yourself are enjoying love and kindness, you will find it difficult not to spread it to others too. There's an unbelievable sense of fulfilment in sharing what you have, and being compassionate to others. Success is best when you use it to benefit those who are in need. Remember good karma. Whatever good you do unto others will return to you tenfold. Being a blessing to others is the best way to achieve the happiness and fulfilment you oh-so long for. It's not as hard as it seems - it's all a matter of changing your perspective.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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