Saturday, October 6, 2012

7 Types of People Who Are Scared of Taking Risks

Just what is it about taking risks which scare people so much? These are not the types of risks that put your life in danger - we are referring to risks one must make to initiate change. They are not comfortable risks - no risk ever is - but rather are moves that require people to step outside their comfort zones.

When you are too scared of going beyond what you are used to, you just have no choice but keep on living the way you've always been. Unless you initiate change, then you remain stagnant. It's the wayward concept of one's "comfort zone" - a place where you keep on doing what you've always done, being what you've always been, and making do with what you have, instead of striving to achieve more.

Some people believe that it's futile trying to break someone out from their comfort zone because the cocoon they have slipped into comes with a self-lock mechanism. Unless a jolt of reality strikes this cocoon - a wake-up call - they'll never unlock and step out of their comfort zone willingly.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Here are some typical characters you must make sure you must never become:

The Forever Sceptic. These are people who rationalize other people's success by saying that it was merely handed down to them, and not worked for. They assume that people are products of their own background, and that if they too had powerful or rich relatives, they will also be enjoying success. They downplay the success of others, reasoning that "there's nothing really great about being rich." With this way of thinking, the sceptic does nothing to improve his position, since he sees no value in achieving more than what he has.

The Mama's Boy or Papa's Girl. These are people who have live sheltered lives, pampered to the point of uselessness, thus making them incapable of dealing with life's problems. They rely too much on their parents, running to them should there be any conflicts. To top it all, there's no arguing with this type of person, since their parents will fight even their own battles for them. It's scary to end up marrying this type of person, unless you want your in-laws meddling in each and every decision you make.

The Too Timid. Probably the most common reason why people do not exert themselves is being too scared of pursuing their dreams, and failing in the process. This type of person, since he/she never had the courage to try, is always wondering "what if" - and will always remain frustrated, until they take control of their shyness and tackle challenges head-on.

The Opportunist. Always waiting for the right opportunity, the opportunist will not budge unless he sees a comfortable chance to do what he wants to do. Needless to say, if the right opportunity does not come, then nothing new or good will happen in his life. All he does is wait, wait and wait.

The Perfectionist. People who demand perfection in everything they do are honestly irritating. Reality check - perfection is an imaginary state conjured up by people who like to annoy other people involved in the process of doing something. Sure, it's nice to achieve near perfection, but to constantly try to change things in order to get to a state of near-perfection is a tedious and almost never-ending process. In the perfectionist's desire to achieve what he wants, he ends up accomplishing and finishing almost nothing.

The Scientist. This type of person needs evidence before he takes action. You constantly try to prove things to a scientist - which is not only bad, it is sometimes a waste of time. Sadly, scientists do not want to budge unless you can prove to them that he/she will immensely be better off when he takes risks.

The "never again". This type of person has tried one time and failed - and has sworn never to try again. Too many people are like this, they refuse to get up after a fall - they just plant themselves at the point of failure. Now, that's both scary and sad.

If you find yourself guilty of any of these, then you know it's time to step outside of your comfort zone. If you never try, you'll never know. Also, the truth is, if you never fail, you will never realize the beauty of success.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets of a Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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