Saturday, October 6, 2012

Success Is Not Just For The Fortunate Few

Copyright (c) 2012 Scott F Paradis

Are you wrestling with the idea that somehow you have not been blessed with the capacity for success? Do you believe rewarding lives are only for the elect and you are not among the chosen few. You might think it's only the privileged who succeed: the ones born to wealth, with great looks and high IQs. They have all the advantages, all the resources, all the allies. You might think you don't have the pedigree, the education or the demeanor to succeed. Well, thinking that success is for the fortunate few is a misguided notion.

People are different. No two human beings are exactly alike. No two people see things exactly the same way nor possess the exact same potential. Every person is a one-of-a-kind, every life is a unique adventure, but there are assets each individual has access to in a measure equal to every other being on the planet. Use of these assets makes all the difference.

A day has twenty-four hours, 1,440 minutes or 86,400 seconds. Everyone has the ability to, and will absolutely invest those 86,400 seconds some way. No one can claim that he or she, or those other people have an advantage when it comes to the number of seconds in a day. We all get the same amount. A lifetime is the accumulation of experience built using increments of time. Are you investing or wasting yours?

A typical person generates or experiences between twenty and sixty thousand thoughts per day. Each person is a receiver and a transmitter of seemingly infinite thought. Choice - free will - begins and ends in thought. People choose to entertain and empower thought. They choose what impulses, what motives, and what messages they focus on and energize. You might not get to choose every thought that transits your mind but you do get to choose which ones you entertain, and reinforce. You get to choose your thoughts.

Thought is energy, creative energy. Every thought influences and directs the molding of experience. Thoughts literally create the reality of human experience. Every person, deliberately or unwittingly, exercises and employs tens of thousands of thoughts per day. Those thoughts create the circumstances and experiences of life.

Are you seeking a full and fulfilling life, a life of adventure, of accomplishment, of exhilaration and achievement? Or are you seeking a life of compromise and calamity - biding your time, hoping to just survive comfortably? Do you really want to succeed or will getting by suffice? Successful people don't waste their time or their thoughts.

The difference as to where someone goes, what someone accomplishes, and who someone becomes ultimately is not a factor of inheritance or intelligence or talent; it is a factor of how that individual invests his or her assets - his or her thought. Your window of opportunity to succeed is renewed each day. You have available to you the assets you need - apply what you have. Use your thoughts to succeed. You deserve success as much as anyone. Success is not just for the fortunate few.

Scott F. Paradis, author of "Success 101 How Life Works" and "Warriors, Diplomats, Heroes, Why America's Army Succeeds" focuses on the fundamental principles of leadership and success;

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