Saturday, February 18, 2012

Treat Your Asthma With These Great Tips

If you suffer from asthma, you know that it can have negative effects on your day to day life. But don't worry because there is a solution! This is an article written for people just like you, who have trouble doing what they enjoy because of their asthma condition. Read on for some great advice.

Raw apple cider vinegar is an excellent treatment for those who suffer from asthma. Mix two tablespoons with eight ounces of water or apple juice and drink up to three times daily. If you use water, honey can be added to make it more palatable. Look for raw apple cider vinegar in the health food section of most grocery stores.

You may want to avoid getting pets, especially those with longer fur, if you have asthma. For many people, pet dander and fur is one of the major triggers of asthma attacks. If you really want to get a pet, try to get one with short fur or get an aquatic animal, like a fish.

If you use an inhaler to treat your asthma, you must take a deep breath and inhale the medication into your lungs and hold it for three to five seconds before exhaling slowly. Following this process will help disburse the medication through your lungs which will help clear your airways.

Household plants may cause you problems with your asthma. There are many people who do not know this and may give you a house plant as a gift. Do not feel badly about getting rid of the plant if you find that you are suffering from more attacks while it is in your home.

If you have asthma, it is important to avoid allergens. These irritants can trigger an attack and cause coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Things you should stay away from are tobacco smoke, pollen, dust, mold and pet dander. Some people are also sensitive to cold air or overexerting themselves.


If you have asthma, it is not a good idea to have a real fireplace lit in your home. This will cause some smoke to go into the house, and can trigger an attack. Even though it is a very small amount of smoke, it can still be harmful. Try installing a gas fireplace instead.

Exercise moderately when you have asthma. Very strenuous exercise and the increased rate of breathing required can cause problems and trigger an asthma attack. Control your breathing by taking up light to moderate exercise. Yoga is especially helpful in this regard. Swimming may also help with breath control while providing good exercise.

Signs Of Asthma

If you do not understand the early signs of asthma, look for more frequent symptoms that have become increasingly worse, such as: coughing, wheezing and chest pressure or pain. If your symptoms keep you up at night or wake you up, make sure to contact your allergist right away.

If you think your child has asthma, you want to have a physician make a diagnosis right away, so you can start taking steps to prevent an attack from being triggered. Some of the most common signs of asthma that are seen in children include an increased rate of breathing, frequent coughing that is aggravated by physical activity and a runny nose. Your child may also wheeze or have a cough that seems to worsen at nighttime.

Exercise Induced Asthma

Do you know the type of asthma that you suffer with? You can learn to combat the life changing effects of asthma by understanding your specific type. For example, if you have exercise-induced asthma, you will want to always make sure you have an inhaler in your gym bag. Knowing symptom patterns will help you prevent emergencies.

Asthma Diagnosis

Your primary care physician is a great starting point for learning about your asthma diagnosis. There are other specialists available, however, that can provide more individualized care. Ask you doctor if a referral to a pulmonologist or an asthma care center is appropriate in helping you manage your condition.

As you can see from reading this article, asthma is not a condition that will ruin your life. While it may still cause slight problems, with intelligent management, you can enjoy your life and have a lot of freedom while still dealing with your asthma condition responsibly. We hope you enjoyed this article!

I hope that I can help just one person to find some relief from there asthma suffering.
Please read "the China Study", It has changed my life in many ways.
To your health, Andrew Gallop, A happy homeopathic cancer survivor and Entrepreneur.

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