Friday, February 17, 2012

10 Ways To Improve Your Life Today

All throughout life, we always seem to care about how other people think of us. It's always a constant battle between being real, and changing one's self in order to be a better fit in the eyes of others.

We may choose to stand out by being unique, bit most often, this is met with indifference and sometimes even ridicule. We waste so much time, effort and huge parts of our precious life into fitting in, that we forget to live our lives the way it was meant to be lived.

Here is a list of the ten things we must stop doing. Al of us were created differently, we have to honour that.

Stop thinking of everyone's opinion of you. There is something you must realize - what people say don't really matter, because some people will be gone from your life in a matter of months. Some people also deliberately make you mini versions of themselves, which doesn't make any sense. Listening and following others and trying to change yourself in order to fit a mould robs a person of his individuality. Most often, if you are a disciple to others, you lose sight of your life purpose, and never get the chance to pursue your own goals.

For as long as you are not a menace to society, then other people's opinions shouldn't matter. In the same manner, don't try to impose your ideas on others also. Give everybody a chance to live their own full lives.

Stop thinking about being morally righteous all the time. Speaking a certain way simply to please others contributes to the loss of one's true inner voice. Everyone has the general tendency to be a watchdog all the time. You watch what you say, you watch what you do, you watch what you think - all of these rob you of your ability to stay true to yourself. Yes, you will always be perceived as kind and nice, but always remember, that there are those who see right through your insincerity.

They know you're pretending to be good - and when they get these instincts, you not only come off as fake, you come off as pretentious. It's good to make mistakes every now and then, because these mistakes teach us lessons which "perfect" people do not know. Maybe people should also realize that in order to see the true character of people, you need to show them your true character as well. Just speak, think and act the truth.

Stop trying to look a certain way. Reality check: we are all made differently - this is why each person is unique. Stop altering your face so that you have the nose of person A, the lips of person B, and the cheeks of person C. You are beautiful the way you are, so stop thinking that unless you look like them, you will never be accepted by people. That's their problem - not yours.

Stop doing what others want you to do. As children, our parents made decisions for us. This is understandable, since we are not yet equipped with the proper intelligence and common sense to think on our own. But remember, we were given brains, are expected to use it. Once you reach a certain way, you must make your mother stop making decisions in your behalf. It's your life, not hers. It's your dreams, not your Father's. it's your destiny not theirs. Allow yourself to make mistakes, to get hurt, to experience heartache, to fail - these shape your character, and are not meant to make you suffer.

Stop caring about the boundaries others have set. Don't let anybody make you believe that you can't - just because they can't. Don't believe some negative people when they tell you that you cannot accomplish your dreams. Hey, maybe their own dreams remain unachieved, which is why they want others to fail as well. Go beyond boundaries. Better yet, break existing boundaries and establish your own. Your only real true boundary is everybody's boundary, too - DEATH.

Stop wanting what everybody else has. So what if all your friends have the latest gadgets, or designer clothes, or jewellery? These things are highly temporary. So what if you are the only one in your high school class who doesn't have her own business, or her own family and kids? Or power, position and wealth? For all you know, you may have something that none of these temporary or superficial things can give - like happiness, contentment or life fulfilment. Remember, from a distance, the grass will always look greener from the other side of the fence, Learn to be grateful for the things you have.

Stop believing that "perfection" is achievable. For as long as you believe that perfection is possible, you will feel that your efforts are not yet quite good enough. Perfection is imaginary - no one is perfect, nothing on earth is. Each one has room for improvement, and it is precisely this inherent imperfection in each one of us that makes us desire to achieve more than we thought possible, to go beyond limits. Remember that perfectionists always have a hard time starting something, and an even harder time finishing things. They always have doubts in their mind, and may never really be fully happy with anything. When they look at something, they always think of how this and that can be changed in order to be perfect. Now, isn't that sad?

Stop trying to be right all the time. This is impossible - it's like saying that everybody in your world is wrong all the time! Nobody likes a self-righteous know-it-all. Do yourself a favor by allowing others some form of happiness and satisfaction. Hey, you all live in one world. Learn to co-exist with others.

Stop putting too much thought to past mistakes. Mistakes teach us lessons, they help us be stronger. Try going through life and never knowing how it feels to be defeated. You will find that once you finally encounter failure, you are not emotionally and mentally equipped to rise back up from your fall. A mistake is part of your past - a part of your past which you should derive lessons from, and not be depressed or bothered about.

Stop obsessing about things that you cannot control. There are some things in this world that you simply cannot do anything about. You may have the desire to change them, but you cannot. Stop wasting your time and energy on trying to be the Superhero, because even Superman had kryptonite to deal with.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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