Saturday, February 11, 2012

Interpersonal Communication - The Key To Success

Most accomplished and successful people realize that being a great leader is one of the things that led to their success. Some people seem to have been born with innate leadership abilities while others have found it necessary to learn how they could develop this skill.

Leaders have the ability to "read" people. They know how to motivate people and how to make people want to follow them.

One thing that all leaders have in common is that they are expert communicators. Since communication is an acquired skill, even a somewhat mediocre manager can learn how to become a well-respected manager and a great leader if he or she learns how to effectively communicate with his or her employees.

One popular interpersonal communication definition says that interpersonal communication involves "one-on-one conversations or individuals interacting with many people within a society."

If a manager lacks the ability to communicate with others then many problems will be left unresolved; facets of their business that could otherwise become more profitable will stagnate; and areas that could be made to be more efficient and more productive will stay where they are or they will become even less efficient.

To be a successful manager it is imperative that an individual has the ability to effectively convey his or her thoughts and ideas to their employees. The manager must also be able to interpret employee feedback. When effective communication-feedback loops are established the status of the manager will grow.

Another skill that effective managers have is the ability to motivate their employees. Unless people are motivated, unless they have goals to look forward to, people tend to stagnate. A good manager will have defined his goals and will then share them with his workers. He will challenge them to do better in order to achieve these goals.

Effective leaders use interpersonal communication to inspire others. Successful managers use their interpersonal communication skills to make their employees feel better about their capabilities and about themselves. They make their employees feel as if they are part of their team and that what each employee does makes a difference.

Managers also make their employees feel as if they themselves are also part of the team and that they aren't sitting on some pedestal looking down on their employees. Successful managers are always actively involved, at one level or another, in their employee's activities.

If you are in management or aspire to be a manager then you must allocate part of every day to learning how to become better at interpersonal communication.

You can learn about interpersonal communication from books and via online training.

To find out more about interpersonal communication go to

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