Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pay Attention

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear." -Brian Tracy

Pay attention to what you pay attention to. Most people aren't aware of what they are focused on because they are sleep walking through life so to speak, they live on auto-pilot. And, 70% of the time people are paying attention to what they are worried about, what they don't like about themselves or their life and who or what has them upset.

Then there are those who know what they are paying attention to because it consumes them. They feel hurt, betrayed, fearful, worried, full of doubt, full of anger and just plain miserable. You know you should stop thinking about this but you can't seem to stop yourself. And get clear on this: you are paying dearly for the attention you give to your problems!

When you focus solely on these limiting thoughts and hurtful feelings and you are consumed by them, how do you think you're going to experience life? Worse yet, how are you infecting and affecting the people around you? You can let it ruin your health, steal your joy and cause you to miss out on so much.

The thing of it is it doesn't have to be this way because you were born with the divine gift of your mind. You can either be the master of your mind or its servant. You can either choose to think about your problems or you can choose to think about your blessings. I could go on and on about the choices you have and how they impact your life.

But until you decide that you are no longer going to give all of your attention to what's wrong in your life you will pay for that choice with sadness, fear, anger, more hurt, despair, heartache, depression, and misery.

So how do you stop it? You stop giving it your attention. You can't think of two things at the same time so choose which one you are going to think about. What makes you happy or sad? What you're afraid of or hopeful for? What you hate or love? What you want or what you don't want? What you want to stop or what you want to start?

I hear this all of the time when working with people. They feel the way they do because they choose to think about what makes them feel bad! Think of where you are right now and where you want to go from here. Typically all that people think about is where they are right now. They jump in, wallow in it, swim around in it, sink further in and keep themselves stuck and then act like there is no way out!

When the reality is there is a way out and it all starts with you becoming the master of your mind. It all starts with what you choose to pay attention to.

Look, there is no question that things happen that can rock your world, that's life. But once the earthquake is over you can pick up the pieces and put your head back on straight or you can walk around in the emotional debris that you refuse to clean up.

We all make choices in life and if you want to choose to pay attention to what makes you feel bad, yet you want to be happy; you have to choose which is worth you giving your attention to. One is very costly to your happiness and the other causes happiness. So, pay attention to and choose!

Susan Russo is fast becoming known as a miracle worker in transforming people's lives. She has the ability to turn negative circumstances into life changing opportunities. No matter where you are in life Susan knows how to help you achieve whatever you desire. To learn more about Susan's products and services go to: And, pick up a copy of her FREE ecourse too!

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