Friday, February 10, 2012

How To Create Success In Your Life

Much has been said about this topic. Everyone seems to be an expert in finding success in their lives, and everyone wants to share their secrets. But success, and how one achieves it, works differently for each person. We have dissimilar values, beliefs and habits, and they all account for each one of our personal successes. No one is an expert in everything, but there seems to be some attitudes that help invite success into one's life.

Live your life to the fullest. The world has many restrictions set by society - restrictions set by race, age, social standing, wealth, education and countless other so-called deterrents to complete success. Go beyond the restrictions you were made to believe as true. Who says you cannot amount to something, just because you were born poor? Here are millions of rags-to-riches stories that have transpired over the centuries - let your own life be one of them - if you were indeed born among the less fortunate. Live your life to the fullest. Use your talents to rise from the ashes. Stop making excuses. You are the master of your own destiny. If you don't start moving, then you will stay where you are right now, and the chances of you succeeding = zero.

Love everyone. Accept that everyone is just as important as you are. Bitterness has no place in the lives of the successful. The majority of true successes are borne out of their ability to appreciate the people around them. They are genuinely nice to people - acknowledging that everyone they come in contact with had some sort of positive influence in their lives. Even if they were treated wrongly by some, they saw these wrong things as the driving factors behind their determination NOT to be like the nasty people. Only do things that you would like others to do to you. Don't be the lonely scrooge - who was high up in his pedestal, but had no one to share his success with. Plant good seeds, and they will return a hundredfold.

Develop a sense of humour. Learn to laugh at yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect. The secret lies in being able to laugh at your mistakes and learn how to use them in your life. So you made a bad investment? Trusted the wrong people? Well, now you know what to avoid. If you don't use your mistakes as moral lessons, well then, you have not yet developed a keen sense of humor. Humor isn't only being able to laugh or make fun - it also means being able to take each failure with a grain of salt. You may be frustrated at first, but you need to move on.

Educate yourself. Be hungry for more knowledge. Even super intelligent people have something to learn. Always be on a quest to learn more - whether it be about how to make a business successful, or why your competitor succeeded. Research, scrutinize information, and apply the good knowledge into your life. You will end up as a more well-rounded person.

Don't be too serious. Lighten up! Hey, what good will your success do you if you end up sick, or worse - six feet under? Many businessmen become so tense and sick with high blood pressure or diabetes. Don't make this mistake. Enjoy your success! Or better - stay long enough on earth to enjoy your success with the people who mean a lot to you. Find a way to have fun - don't be a lonely person who died rich, but alone. It's better to be a poor happy person than to be a wealthy but emotionally unsuccessful one. But of course, it's always better to be successful and joyous - that's the point of truest success.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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