Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How To Create Happiness In Your Life

After asking so many happy people, I found that most people found happiness through one simple thing - by welcoming love into their lives. This does not necessarily mean love for a life partner, but it also meant love for others, love for work, love for adventure, and love for life itself.

It's hard to be unhappy when you feel so blessed and contented with what you have.

Remember that person who always sits at a chair during a party, and just stares at other people who are enjoying themselves, as she mumbles and grumbles to herself? Well, that's THE person who has failed miserably in creating her own happiness. Happiness should never be hinged on other people - you must never rely on other people in order to be happy. Happiness is a choice - it's a choice that no one else can make for you. If you are unhappy, you cannot blame it on anyone else.

Of course, there will be times when others do cause you misery, but you must always choose to rise above the miserable state and look to other possible sources of renewed happiness.

Here are some other ways to create happiness in your life:

Have a healthy mind and body. Being healthy means taking care of your body. Exercise releases endorphins into your system which enhances one's happiness. When you feel good physically, you can't help but be happy. And there is also truth to the saying that some illnesses are psychosomatic - they are caused by negative thoughts and extreme feelings of unhappiness and discontent. Take care of your body, and find that happiness follows. Having a healthy mind, on the other hand, means engulfing your mind with positive thoughts and information. The people who think non-stop about all the pain and hurt they have felt in the past have very little hope of being truly happy. Instead, focus on positive mind-enhancing thoughts.

Feel good about yourself. First, one must realize that no one is perfect - we all have imperfections. The sooner we realize this, the happier we will feel about our uniqueness. We are all given talents and strengths, welcome them as blessings into your life. In the same manner, accept your faults and shortcomings because they are part and parcel of who we are as people. Unhappiness stems from thinking that others are better off than we are. Whatever cards we were dealt with, make the most of it. Be contented with who you are, because you'll never really know who else is wishing that she could exchange places with you.

Face your problems. Show me someone who does not have problems - is there such a person? The only person who does not have problems is one who is no longer living. Problems are challenges - they are in our lives to teach us lessons that help us to be stronger. Stop worrying and regretting, and form realistic expectations from life. The sooner we realize that problems are inevitable, the sooner we will feel that there is hope despite the adversities. Whatever we encounter, always think that there is a solution - that's the key to being happy "despite."

Learn to be satisfied with what you have. Among all the things listed here, I feel this is the core to one's happiness. Being dissatisfied and unhappy is usually caused by wanting to have what others have. Some want more money, more fame, a higher position, a happy family life, a great husband, or all in all - a better life. It's okay to have dreams and aspirations, but you must be willing to work hard for them. And in working towards your dreams, you must be happy, in order to achieve supreme results. Some people, however choose to be happy and satisfied with what they have - which may be the better way to view life in general. Get rid of envy, it will only extinguish all that joy within you. Start being happy with your blessings, for you are luckier than some other people in the world - you can bet on it.

Surround yourself with good friends. Good friends help you to remain positive and happy. No human being is meant to be alone. We are social beings. Friends remind us of how great we are, and tell us about our good qualities. And there's so much joy to be found in being part of a group - the feeling of being important and needed by others. With good friends, you are also able to practice other qualities that make you a better person, like kindness, compassion, sacrifice and being a man for others.

Just enjoy life! The truth is, we can never be happy 100% of the time. Sadness is also part of life. Without sadness, we will never appreciate joy. Without fear, we will never know of courage. Without failure, we will not value success. Learn to enjoy life and all its quirks. Go with the flow, search for adventure, follow your dreams, and meet people who will give more meaning to your life. Life is cool. Life is fun - just enjoy life and experience true happiness!

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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