Friday, June 22, 2012

What Are You Most Afraid Of?

"Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift."

-Dante Alighieri

What is it that weighs on your mind the most? What is the one thing that you are afraid might happen or might not happen in your life? Whether consciously or subconsciously this underlying fear impacts how you live. These expectations of things to come can have an effect on your outlook, your mood and many times, ultimately the outcome.

When you expect something to happen and you dwell on it over and over again, and then back it up with the emotion of fear (which makes it more real), you typically bring about what you think about.

They say, "F.E.A.R. is: False Expectations Appearing Real." The dictionary definition is: a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined.

Fear is the opposite of faith. If you say you believe in God or Allah or whatever your belief, yet when life is uncertain or you have challenges to face, where is your faith? Instead people choose to worry and become fearful and dread what's to come and their faith is nowhere to be found.

If you really have faith you understand that yes, life bring with it adversities and heartaches but these are overcome and you can rise above them through your faith. We are all on a journey through life and everything that happens to us is a part of that journey. But, what happens is we confuse the human journey or ego journey with the spiritual journey and we forget that it isn't happening to us it is happening for us.

Things happen for us to learn from and grow from. These are our lessons in life, our "soul" lessons. These sometimes painful and difficult lessons bring with them many gifts. They give the gift of courage to walk through your fears. They build strength in both faith and character. They give you wisdom you hadn't had before. And they bring the greatest gift of all, compassion for others in understanding the depth and intensity of another person's pain.

Don't allow fear to govern how you live, let faith guide you where you need to be. Know that everything is happening for a reason. With every adversity is a hidden opportunity. Trust that it is all working towards your higher good. Have peace in knowing that you aren't alone and direct your fearful, faith-less energy towards your blessings.

Energy flows where attention goes. So don't spend your energy thinking about what you're afraid of instead direct it to what you are grateful for in your life and those people and things you have to appreciate. When you begin to take your focus off of the fear and put it on your faith, everything will begin to look different. Wayne Dyer says, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Let go of fear and take solace in knowing that each step in your life along your journey is a stepping stone to take you to the spiritual place you were meant to be. No matter what you are going through or what you fear, learn from it and grow from it and understand that it is just a stop along the long road of your journey called life.

Believe, trust, have faith and enjoy your life instead of dreading it. There is a place inside you that will light the way if you have faith!


Susan Russo is fast becoming known as a miracle worker in transforming people's lives. She has the ability to turn negative circumstances into life changing opportunities. No matter where you are in life Susan knows how to help you achieve whatever you desire. To learn more about Susan's products and services go to: And, pick up a copy of her FREE ecourse too!

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