Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Conversation Starters Used Up!

After the Conversation Starters-- Than What do I say?

• conversation Starters,
• pick up lines,
• funny pick up lines,
• etc.;

Do you really need them? You know, that properly delivered, they actually can start a conversation. But, and it is a big but, you have to have something else in your quiver.

If you deliver some prearranged line, and it gets you a warm laugh or smile, and if you don't have something to follow it up, you are in trouble. You will appear to be some guy who can't think for himself, and that is no way to begin the act of flirting.

You know, flirting is a funny thing. If you don't carry it off the right way, you can come off looking pretty desperate, and that is the last thing you want to convey. What really carries the day - is a high degree of self-confidence, and a care free attitude. And, appearing that you are not at all interested in making an impression. You just don't care!

Have you ever noticed that happy people get more attention than others? Further, have you ever noticed that the happy people who really don't try too hard to make an impression-- do indeed make a good impression?

Now, let's say that you are in a room where there is a gorgeous gal that you really want to meet. Hey, you don't really know what to say. You forgot those prearranged lines that seemed so great at the time.

Just appear that you don't really care - and with a self-confident air - and a cheerful attitude - you will carry the day.

Think about it! That beauty has heard all the lines before-- has probably had a lot of experience in dealing with over eager guys falling over themselves trying to get her attention. Now, here is a guy-- you-- who really doesn't care if she notices him (you) or not-- and what do you think will be her reaction? It will likely be that she wants to meet him (you).

So, prearranged lines on how to flirt or flirting tips-- really don't take the place of a skilled conversationalist-- who exhibits a confident demeanor.

If you really do need some ideas on conversation starters, or just something to get you started, consider these:

1. You have a very pretty name. Does it have a special meaning?
2. I am with the FBI (Fine Body Inspectors). I am afraid I am going to have to ask you some questions.
3. You look like my next wife.
4. Hey, you are adorable. If I didn't speak to you, I know I would regret it later.

I have to tell you, I think that two of the four really stink. But, I thought you would feel cheated if I didn't have some to share with you. Two of the four would probably work. Actually, I kind of like the 4th.

You have heard of the advice which says, "Be yourself." Well, if you don't like yourself very much-- a lot of folks are in this category-- than that won't work very well.

So, what does that tell us? If you don't like yourself-- change what you don't like. Remake yourself into the person you do like. Look at yourself objectively. Do you come across as needy, nerdy, or something else that you don't like? If so, do something about it.

What does this have to do with flirting and social skills? The answer is everything! If you have self - confidence-- there are two things that will happen:

1. You won't need funny pick up lines to make an impression
2. You really could use a pick up line-- and get away with it.

So-- do what it takes to like yourself-- and become in the bargain-- a skilled conversationalist - and a pick up artist.

Ron is a master communicator and has extensive experience in being in social situations where many are strangers to one another. It is this type of environment that offers the most opportunities at many levels. His sites deal with conversation in and around a Dinner Party environment. You will find his site:
both enlightening and entertaining.

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