Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How To Elegantly Persuade And Influence People

Human beings don't experience the world directly. Instead, we perceive the world through our five senses - sight, smell, hearing, tasting and feeling. Our bodies then record our sensations in our nervous system in the form of maps or models of our world.

The language that a person uses reflects his or her maps of reality. It reveals different aspects of their models; aspects of which they may not even be aware. When a person's map changes the way they experience reality also changes. Therefore, language can be used as a lever to change a person's maps and thus change their perceptions of reality.

You can use language to influence and persuade a person to want to do, believe or think whatever you want them to. Influence and persuasion is not bullying, tricking, pressuring or deceiving other people. It is far more subtle than that. Influence and persuasion often isn't even detectable. When done properly and with respect it is a smooth, effective and elegant process.

A number of different soft skills can be used to influence decisions. They include NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and Ericksonian hypnosis (upon what a lot of current thinking in NLP is based).

These skills are very powerful and effective. Here are a number of principles that you should make your own in order to learn how to use these skills properly:

• Always be sure that you have your own and the other person's best interests at heart. If there is any doubt in your mind then don't do it.

• You need to always believe in yourself because people "buy" people.

• Believe in your service, product and/or idea. If you don't believe in it they won't either. So, if you don't believe in your product, for example, you should either change your product or change your belief.

• Einstein said the main question that humanity faces is, "Is the universe a friendly place?" It has been shown time and time again that optimists live happier, more fulfilling and longer lives than pessimists. So decide to be an optimist.

Decide to believe that you can have more fun, happiness, adventure, excitement, money, fulfillment and pleasure in your life than you ever thought was possible.

Remember that our minds are made up of two parts - the thinker and the prover. The thinker can think about just about anything. The prover then proves what the thinker is thinking. The prover filters out information that it doesn't agree with. If you are an optimist you can believe in just about anything and your prover will help you to make it happen.

These are but some of the many skills that could help you to influence and persuade others.

Next, to find out about soft skills that can help you to influence and persuade people go to

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