Saturday, June 9, 2012

What Are The Negative Effects Of Crack

Crack is one of the most common illegal narcotic used by junkies, it is made by cooking cocaine and baking soda till the drug crystallizes and forms crack. This narcotic is taken by smoking it via a pipe which gives the user an immediate high. The most typical negative effects that this narcotic can give its user is the damage done to their teeth. Addiction to this kind of substance causes a person's teeth to turn into a yellowish brown shade which is also an indication of lack of nutrition. Here are several things to take note of when dealing with crack addiction.

Malnutrition - This particular side effect of cocaine abuse may easily be observed from a drug user as soon as you see their teeth. Their teeth would turn yellowish to brownish and due to constant use of this drug where they have no desire for food for a couple of days that's the reason why they have less vitamins and minerals stored in their body. Less nutrition mean less calcium, iron and thiamine, which are essential for healthier teeth.

Blistering - This effect is brought on when users heat crack cocaine then inhaling it which breaks the tissue layer of a person's gums or perhaps their lip area where sores form around the mouth area. When such sores break, infections can occur and would cause damage not only to a person's mouth region but also to their gums and teeth.

Crack baby - A crack baby is born from a mother who continuously uses crack cocaine even in the course of their pregnancy. Babies who are born from a mother who's an addict would likely show signs or complications which they acquired from their mother like the lack of sleep, too much crying and can't easily be calmed down. Junkies who give birth or is looking to give birth would also experience miscarriage, early birth, and abnormalities of their baby when it is born. And the most affected part of a baby when it's born from crack addiction is having brain damage.

Possible overdose - People who experienced crack cocaine addictions should think twice if they decide to kick back their addiction. The truth is, certain users who relapse are the ones who are susceptible to having an overdose. Given that they have been sober for a while, they have an inclination to take too much of the narcotic therefore leading to an overdose which could be lethal and would certainly cause immediate death. Overdose can also occur when an addict increases their dosage in order to attain the high which they desire.

Kitz Lerqo has broad knowledge with regards to the subject of
cocaine abuse and also on other kinds of data about
addicted to crack browse us here at our website to find out more

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