Monday, June 25, 2012

Want to Get More Out of Your Life? Do These 5 Things

Where does the time go? One minute it's March and the next, we're celebrating a new year. And, in the process, we don't feel like we've truly enjoyed a single second of it!

If you feel like life is whizzing past you, you're letting stress get the best of you. It's a simple as that.

Unfortunately, though, we all have daily stresses. That project at work, taking the kids to dance class, folding that last load of laundry - they're all stressful in their own right. And, unfortunately, they usually come on top of bigger stresses - like trying to pay off the credit card debt or trying to pay for expensive medical bills.

So, how do you get past the stress and enjoy your life again?

1. Slow down.

Chances are all you need is a little bit of organization to free up some time. Create a routine that works for you and stick to it. If you stop flying by the seat of your pants, you'll have more time to enjoy life.

2. Remember the simple pleasures.

The next time you're feeling sorry for yourself because you don't have the money for a fabulous vacation - or even the money for a fabulous night on the town with your sweetie - remember the simple things in life. Go play a board game with your kids. Take a relaxing bath. Take the dog for a nice, long walk. Stay in with your friends and have a movie night. In the end, those will be the memories you cherish for years - while the memory of the fancy-shmancy appetizer you had at the trendy new restaurant downtown will fade in a couple of days.

3. Stop and smell the roses.

If you have an actual rose bush sitting outside of your window, stop and smell it on a regular basis. If you don't, find pleasure in the other natural beauties of life. That's all that stopping and smelling the roses really means!

You might see a butterfly in your back yard or a beautiful oak tree down the street that really makes you stop and remember what true beauty looks like. Sure, they're simple pleasures, but they're pleasures nonetheless. They can provide a reality check when you're running out the door towards a carload of screaming kids or heading out to do battle with all of the other drivers on the highway.

No matter how busy you are, you have to find time to get outside and embrace nature. Take a spare weekend and go camping. Or, walk through the park to pick up your lunch, instead of driving downtown. Or, simply sit on your porch and watch the sun set before you head inside to make dinner.

4. Laugh.

Laughter is a powerful thing. Don't believe me? Talk to all of the doctors and psychologists out there who tout the successes of "laugh therapy"! Laughing makes you feel good inside and it's a surefire way to relieve the stresses you're dealing with.

And, the best part is, laughter can come from a variety of sources - whether it's your favorite romantic comedy, a night out with friends, or reminiscing about old times with your family.

5. Celebrate successes of all shapes and sizes.

Success comes in all shapes and sizes. You don't have to be named CEO to justify a celebration. Something as simple as getting the big business report done is a great reason to pat yourself on the back and celebrate with family or friends.

If you celebrate both major and minor successes, you'll have an easier time remembering that life really is good!

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the publisher of the "A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles" ebook that includes "How to Get What You Want" by Wallace D. Wattles along with twenty-four other rare books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles. Grab your copy now at:

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