Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Time Management Tips - You Can Create A Morning Ritual To Channel Positive Energy

• Time management tips are nothing until you breathe life into them. To enhance your energy, you to rely on yourself alone. So focus on what matters, and discover just how much extra energy you can access. What would change in your life right now if you actively encouraged yourself to step beyond your comfort zone?

Opening your day with a ritual gives you the power to anchor your energy in what truly matters to you. By carving that space to connect with yourself and refresh your perspective, you are keeping a promise to yourself. You celebrate who you are, what you can do, and explore what it means to you to be alive. And in doing this, you make your ritual a special pathway from your essential self to each challenge and setback you encounter through the day.

Indulge yourself in a good way. Fill your morning ritual with activities that resonate so deeply that they validate who you are and remind you of how you want to live your life. This daily foundation provides you with inner peace and focus that can support you when things get rough. Of course, your ritual will be a perfect fit for you alone - a unique and evolving exploration of what works the best for you.

This sentence completion exercise gives you a quick way to set down your personal preferences and needs. These are the building blocks to the unique ritual you create.

• Your morning ritual helps you transition from fast asleep to wide awake.

"Getting up in the morning is challenging when___________."

You can incorporate music, an exercise video, yoga or drinking a cup of your favorite coffee or tea to commence your transition ritual.

• Your morning ritual can push your reset button if you "get up on the wrong side of bed".

"When I start my day by ____________________, the rest of the day goes better."

Experiment with any and all activities that interest you, and feel free to revise any time you feel inspired. For example, you can write in a journal, practice T'ai Chi, play with your cat or dog, or read something that opens new doors for you.

• Your morning ritual prepares you to greet your day.

"If I had a few more minutes in the morning, I'd use it to ________."

Consider jotting down your intentions for the upcoming day, fine-tuning your To-Do list, setting up your evening meal in a crock-pot, or scheduling a treat for later in the day. Anything that can help ground and center you works. Can you find five, ten or fifteen minutes somewhere? Anywhere? Great! Try adding just one activity and see how it enriches your day.

Do you ever wonder what the difference is between a ritual and a routine? At times, it's quite simply the degree of mindfulness you exercise. Routines often feel humdrum and obligatory - they get you through one part of the day. Rituals, on the other hand, send down roots in the here and now. And those roots drink deeply from your inner wellspring of vitality.

Do you ever feel unseen or unappreciated? Why not use a ritual to actively validate what you do and who you are? When you engage in rituals wholeheartedly, you fully engage. Time becomes transformed into a special vessel for your ritual. Your moment-by-moment choices provide more pleasure. Why not tap this potential when you greet your day?

Pay close attention to how your daily ritual adds to your day. Experiment and note the results. By devoting this level of care to yourself, you will most likely experience more gratitude, more confidence and more resilience, no matter what comes your way.

So, what will you do right now to set aside this time?

Sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at http://thetimeschool.com/SuccessKit

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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