Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Find Out What Your Man Really Wants

If youre frustrated with trying to figure out what your guy is thinking, you're not alone. Are you one of the many women who driver herself crazy trying to figure out what your man means when he says one thing, but acts as if he means a totally different thing?

Here's an example, when guys are hanging out trying to attract a woman, they think their juvenile conduct of leering and lewd comments actually turns a woman on. Seriously? Why is it that men think it is "cool" to act like a "player", as if they were God's gift to women? As if that weren't irritating enough, if they do connect with you in conversation, it's loaded with adolescent trash talk and crude jokes, because they believe that's acting romantically.

Thinking this is what we want to hear, guys will claim great intentions of a committed relationship, but the next day you can't find hide nor hair of them. Here's another trick they pull, acting all distant and aloof, as if they don't even notice the woman they actually covet. The real reason is because they are downright intimidated!

The bottom line is men just don't know how to turn their true feelings into words and behaviors that women can understand and react to. Not only are they confusing the heck out of the girl they want, but in lots of cases they are just chasing her away. What's really sad is that these guys are clueless that these behaviors are having the opposite effect they intended. But they can't help it. They are instinctively just throwing up a shield to hide behind.

Unless they are telepathic, the average woman would have no clue that this is what's really going on in the guy's head. So what happens? The girl winds up confused and hurt by his awkward approach to romance.

So what can a girl do to make it clear to her guy that the act is a turn off and all she really wants is for him to be real? How can a woman figure out what the guy is actually about if he can't even be honest about the simplest things?

Here's the good news. Women have the ability to change a man's behavior by using some proven methods that actually work on a man to get him to lower his protective shield and reveal his true self, his true identity and what he really wants. The proven method - quite simply being your very authentic self. When you are your genuine self you will find that you become incredibly attractive to your guy. This is the magic bullet, but hard to do for some. Since we were little girls we've been taught to behave in ways to please others, not ourselves.

Not until you can drop your façade, embrace the genuine you, will you be able to see things clearly and have things naturally fall into place. Instead of a struggle, your life will start to get easier. Because you are acting like you, you'll start to attract the man who just wants you.

For more information on how to figure your guy out check this article on how to meet your sweet Here's another great article on how to keep a guy interested:

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