Sunday, May 26, 2013

3 Empowering Steps For Financial And Spiritual Fitness Part 2

By this point, you have learned that debt is not only a reflection of the state of your finances but also a peek into your state of mind. When you think of yourself as being in debt, you instigate a negative thought process that inevitably drags you down. All that negative energy sucks the life out of you like a vampire in a bad B-movie. But the good news is, you're the director of your own life. You are in control of your spiritual and financial fitness. These facets of your well-being are just as important as making sure you exercise regularly and eat healthy foods.

As mentioned previously, step number one is to purge yourself of things that no longer fit you on all levels of mind, body, and spirit. No more negative thinking, no more denying yourself exercise, and no more allowing mental or physical clutter to stress you out.

In step two, you need to identify what your highest values are and write them down. What values should take precedence in your life? I hope you don't need me to spell them out, but most people do so I'll give you some hints. They are, in a nutshell: health, family, fun, and creativity, just to name a few. It is essential that you coordinate your values with the way you spend your money, time, and energy.

How do you spend your time? Who and what are you spending your time and energy on? Where do you contribute your material resources (i.e., your money)?

For instance, suppose you get a luxurious, extravagant spa treatment on a weekly basis. When you need a vacation or an emergency happens, will you have the resources you need to travel or meet unexpected expenses? You don't have the money to participate in those family vacations, birthdays, or holidays. You know that's what you value, so allot money and time towards that goal. What, then, is the solution? I'm not saying you can't have your spa day, but you might consider scaling back your spa day. For example, you could switch to getting an hour-long massage once a month instead of once a week. It becomes really easy to make wise and prosperous choices when you know what your values really are.

If you think about what is incongruent in your life, you will find places where your time and money go down the drain. Consider what is most important to you. I was a guest speaker on a radio show once and the host provided an excellent example of this idea; every Christmas, her husband gives her and her daughter a spa day. This is a great illustration of how you can match your time, money, and values. She is spending time with family and doing something that is healthy for her and her daughter.

Take a moment to inventory what is most meaningful to you. Be honest with yourself and identify whether or not the ways you spend your time and money line up with your values. I want you to ask yourself if what you're doing right now is healthy for you and your prosperity. Prosperity isn't money-based. It's about living for your highest good. I look forward to sharing step three of my Simple Steps for Spiritual and Financial Fitness with you soon. Until next time, go with the flow!

Want to have more time, energy, and money right now? Find out how with Dr. Barnsley's fantabulous, must-read report, "How to Overcome Overwhelm in Seven Easy Steps." Click:

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