Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tips To Stay On Top Of Things When It Comes To Your Career

If you've been paying attention to the news recently, then you know that we are in some kind of fierce recession, and depending on who you talk to, we might even be in the middle of a depression. If you look around, you'll see evidence of this. Many people are struggling in their jobs, and those that have jobs are lucky to even have one. Many people are underemployed, which means they aren't making nearly as much money as they could be in they were fully employed. It seems like there is nothing you can do. But the truth is that if you take a proactive approach, you can safeguard yourself against any kind of economic downturn. In this article, you will learn how to do exactly that.

The first thing to do is realize that you will likely have three or four separate careers over the course of your working life. Many people accept the idea that you'll have three or four different jobs, but having different careers is a hard pill to swallow for some people. But once you get your head around this concept, it's much easier to accept. That way, when changes comes, you'll be ready for it, instead of being caught off guard like many people.

The first thing to do is always keep your skills updated. If you are in the computing industry, for example, don't limit your skills to what you need to do your job. Always be thinking a couple moves ahead. Learn skills that can be used in other related industries. Of course, you'll need to take care of these on your own. Don't expect your employer to help you out here.

Another thing to do is to pay close attention to trends in your field. For example, if you were a web based programmer in the late 1990's, you might have been realizing that it was getting harder and harder to find jobs as the Internet bubble grew larger and larger. If you noticed this ahead of time, you could have positioned yourself for a different field before the crash came.

Within your own job, there's plenty of things to do to protect yourself from downsizing. One is to make yourself absolutely indispensable. Always be known as the worker who will do anything, regardless whether or not if it's "your job." Always be willing to lend a hand and learn new things. When companies decide to downsize, they only keep the employees that are the most essential. So make sure to make yourself essential.

Another tip is to always have an updated resume that you are shopping around. Always keep a few feelers out there, so if something happens unexpectedly, you'll be ready for it. This is also a great way to network, as you'll be getting to know plenty of people in your field.

Following this advice will help you considerably. No longer will you feel the axe of layoffs. You'll be well prepared, which will keep you on top of things.

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