Thursday, April 19, 2012

How To Sing Much Better With No Vocal Teacher

Yes, a vocal teacher will provide expert guidance on how to sing better but not everybody can afford to pay for said services. The best thing that you can do then is to adopt the following ways in order to sing better and perhaps blow the socks off your audience.

First, be sure to warm up your voice before performing your practice exercises or before singing a musical piece. Keep in mind that your singing voice comes from the effort exerted by the muscles in your mouth, throat and lungs. As in any form of physical exercise, these voice-related muscles must be warmed up to significantly lessen the risks for diseases and accidents.

The best way on how to sing better by warming up is to follow this method: sing at your middle range, followed by low range and high range, and then ending with the middle range. Spend a minimum of ten minutes on each range but be sure not to put unnecessary stress on your voice by trying to hit too-low and too-high notes.

To add variety to your vocal warm-up exercises, we also suggest performing dynamic and agility exercises. Dynamic exercises involve singing different vowels and pitches from pianissimo to fortissimo, if you can reach the latter. Agility exercises involve singing the scale from do to sol very fast in a back and forth manner. Both of these exercises are the secrets on how to sing better in your own home sans a vocal coach.

Second, assume the correct posture. Your body posture must allow for easier breathing when singing, which maximizes lung capacity. In turn, you can sing higher notes for a longer period while also encouraging better phrasing.

The best body posture for singing is: Stand up straight with your shoulders back and relaxed. Your chest must be positioned in such a way as to allow your lungs to fully expand and contract with each inhalation and exhalation. Your face and jaw must be relaxed as well.

Third, breathe properly. Think of your voice as a wind instrument, which requires proper breathing in order to generate the most beautiful sounds. Indeed, if you want to know how to sing better, we strongly suggest learning to control your inhalation and exhalation through breathing exercises.

Fourth, be acquainted with your singing tools. Your voice is a combination of various body parts working together to produce even a single sound. You must then know how each one works in relation to the others and then harness said knowledge to sing better.

And of course, you must practice, practice and practice - the best way on how to sing better. Singing is raw talent that must be honed to make it into a world-class skill and the only way to do that is to practice singing your heart out for as many times in a day as you possibly can.

If you would like more info about how to sing then see this link: for this info. You may as well find out more about how to sing better at this link: to spread your understanding about singing.

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