Friday, April 27, 2012

Fear Of Failure? Fear Of Success?

Of all the conversations I have facilitated via coaching in the past 10 years it astounds me the amount of people who divulge either one on one or in a seminar format that they have a fear of either failure or success! I personally do not believe as a spiritual being you can fail so do not buy into this belief. It saddens me how many people state this and yet are not present to the costs of where they are resonating.

I heard a fabulous quote last week, and I am sorry I cannot remember the person who wrote this but I feel it sums up what I believe success means - here it is :-

Success should not measured by your achievements alone, it should be measured by the obstacles that you have had to overcome

Logically why would a person in their 30,40,50's continue to language their world by stating they have a fear of failure unless they were committed to sabotaging their reality. Beliefs are almighty powerful and can make or break a dream. If you are interested in transformation and have a fear of failure check out how ludicrous this is!

People rattle it off like ordering a 'flatwhite coffee', no consciousness around how debilitating this belief/fear is. Then to the contrary I also hear people state that they are fearful of success, doubly ludicrous. How's that for complete and utter sabotage. Just because you have a belief does not mean it has any reality, have you ever thought about that? People are so had by their feelings, especially their default, disempowered feelings that they do not interrupt this thought patterning. When you state you are afraid of failure, or afraid of success, what does it actually mean? It is usually stated in such a sweeping statement that most people are not present to the impact of such statements. They state it like a finite statement.

You have the ability to discipline your thoughts and if this is the case then you also have the power to re-create your future by changing the way you think. I do not believe you need to overcome these fears for fear has no reality but the reality and meaning to which you give it. Fear is but a barometer of your disconnection from your self/faith and is only but a projected thought, either past or future related. Nothing more, nothing less. I could write a whole blog article on living a fearless existence, now there's an idea!

So what do I suggest?

Top 10 Tips For Ending Fear Of Failure/Fear of Success Paradigm

1. Check out how funny these contrasting statements are and commit to a future where you will no longer operate from this resonance

2. When you frame the statement, ' I am fearful of Failure/Success', distinguish in that moment where the projection is coming from, past or future? Once distinguished get present to the costs in that moment of being a self fulfilling prophecy of self sabotage

3. Worst case scenario: If you are so attached to the habit of experiencing these fears, go there, future pace your life, 5, years, 10 years, 20 years from now continuing to make these statements, what impact do you think these negative affirmations will have on your future?

4. Create a powerful affirmation to counteract these negative affirmations. Now I am not one for affirmations unless they are used repeatedly for the purposes of retraining/reprogramming old thought patterns - so unless you are willing to be disciplined in this regard, forget it

5. You are the adult, note that whenever you frame in your languaging "I am fearful of failure and or success', in that moment you are operating from the wounded child - see a healer and work on your childhood conditioning

6. Procrastination is often bred from a fear of failure. Imagine your life where you end procrastination in your life for good, get present to that! Fear of anything usually is used an a unconscious and in some cases conscious mechanism to keep you disempowered. Perfect strategy from the default!

7. When you do not accomplish something, some people may view this as being a failure - personally speaking why do we default to the negative connotation - why do we not automatically default to the more empowered connotation of being courageous enough to have given it a go where others have feared to tread

8. Turn within when you are fearful, ask what would love do in this moment and chose love over fear, not a new concept but an often forgotten one

9. Embrace having compassion for yourself in those moments where fear of any description is present. Hold the hand of your inner child, ACTION is the only thing that will shift any perception of fear, regardless the type of fear present

10. Realize that you are the creator of your own destiny, if you think you can you can and if you think you can't you can't - transformation is very simplistic, don't complicate it

Do yourself a favor and observe in future moments when you catch yourself stating you are fearful of failure and or success. Get a sense of humor and take your power back, there is no reality to these statements unless you are choosing to feed them from your disconnected state!

If you are interested in leading a fearless life, then contact one of the Freefall Team on 09 488 6764 or book in for a 1 hour free no obligation consultation session to hear more about the Freefall Experience Seminars - refer

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