Wednesday, April 11, 2012

3 Ways To Improve Your Life Today

When you look at your life from a different perspective, are you happy with its present state? Or are you left wanting? Do you find yourself constantly wishing that you were living the life of someone else?

If you are unhappy with the way things are going, most likely, you pay too much attention to the things that hinder you from achieving happiness. Why, in your opinion, are some people much more contented and satisfied with their lives? The secret lies in their attitude - and their life choices. They remain positive despite all adversities, and choose to focus on things that cultivate happiness, and not prevent them from being contented.

Here are three ways on how you can improve your life. It may take time to fully achieve success, but every little step will eventually bring you to your destination.

Stop being too preoccupied with your past. We've heard it too often - "Past is past. There's nothing you can do about it anymore." Very true! Whatever happened ten years or ten minutes ago is something you cannot take back. Even a mean spoken word to a lifetime friend will remain in his psyche, long after your apology.

Although what happened in your past have profound effects on your present, there is simply nothing you can do to turn back time and un-do them. If you chose to waste you life on drugs, then your past is that which you wasted - not your present or your future. You can resolve to remedy its ill effects on your body and finances, and regain your lost sense of responsibility and wasted opportunities. Stop living in the past! Instead, treat every part as precious, and look at them as lessons from which you should learn. If there's anything really good about a bad past, it's the fact that it serves as a barometer for things to avoid in the future. If your past was so beautiful, on the other hand (for example, you were successful, handsome, popular and respected back in the day), use these as your list of glory moments. They serve as a gauge for a life well-lived. If you still have time to repeat these victories, then do so.

Who knows, your future may even be much brighter than your glorious past! So, move on!

Worry less about your future. Now this is the opposite of the previous, but it is also something which causes some people to freeze in time. Sometimes, we worry too much about our future. Everything becomes a mad dash for accumulating things and wealth that we can use for our future, and maybe even the future of our children and grandchildren. Reality check: what you have on your life menu may not exactly be the same as what your kids and grandkids want.

Each person is given a chance to carve their futures - in a manner that best befits them and makes them happy. Allow others their own shot in life. Allow your children to experience challenges in order to appreciate the value of hard work. Don't waste too much of your present, trying to make the future comfortable. Learn to live in the moment. Of course, you do need to plan and get ready for future rainy days, but don't overdo it to a point where you no longer see life as enjoyable - you see it as a constant string of responsibilities in order to have a better life. There are too many so-called "lifestyle illnesses," like high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.

These are sometimes caused by severe stress which results from too much work, which is needed - again - for a nice future. Hey, what good is your future, if it's going to be cut short because of an illness? Do yourself a favour - STOP living in the past, stop worrying about the future, and ENJOY THE PRESENT. The past is gone, the future is out of our reach, but the present is something we can savour and make the most of.

Formulate a good set of new life goals - and work on fulfilling them. It is always nice to have something to work towards, and life goals seem to be the most logical way to give direction and purpose to your life. Think of all the (reasonable, doable and realistic) things you want to achieve. Write them down, if you wish. You can very well set really huge life goals, but having too big of a dream makes its fulfilment seem totally unrealistic - thus resulting to disillusion and discouragement. Word of advice: keep your life goals simple. If they are a bit out of your realm, then set mini-steps towards it.

What you want to do in a year will be easier to achieve if you set monthly goals. Work towards that monthly goal by tackling each minute, each day, each week with utmost optimism and all-out determination. You will be surprised to discover each month passing by, totally adding up into the fulfilment of that year-end goal you set out to do. Give your life direction by simply working towards you goal.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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