Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tips For Being A Top Student

Many of us want to start our own company revolving around a passion that we have. There is just one problem—we don't know much about creating websites, writing grants, or conducting business in general. Suddenly, we find ourselves taking classes again and feeling like college students, re-born. And, just like in college, we aren't captivated by everything we need to learn. In college, I let it slide and I accepted the B (and even a few C's) in the classes that I did not like. But, with the desire to start my own business, barely passing a class is just not an option, because I don't want to just barely start a business. So, I came up with some learning tips that I could have used years ago when I was still in school, but definitely come in handy today:

Sit at the very front.

Don't let yourself zone out. Position yourself in the line of the view of the teacher so he will notice if you are failing to take notes, have gone to sleep or just seem bored. Sitting in the first row also makes it impossible to see any of the distractions you would see if you had rows in front of you.

Bring a tape recorder.

In college, many professors began the session by saying "it is okay if you'd like to record this." They did not know that barely any students took that opportunity. But do now. There are times when your energy and the time and date of the class just don't match up and you don't have the strength to be a note taker. If you tape record the session, you get the chance to go back to that class whenever you have time and your attention is better.

Ask for examples.

Some teachers only teach concepts, but don't give examples. Whatever kind of class it might be;chemistry, English, computer tech;if a professor mentions anything, even the tiniest concept, ask that he demonstrate it or show an example. This always aids with keeping the idea in your brain.

Have fun.

Explore what makes you enjoy learning. Is it taking class in nature? Find a teacher that leads his class outside! Is it having a handsome, youthful teacher who you'll be glad to stare at for two hours? Do some research on the various professors leading a class you want before signing up for any! A video I saw about an endearing elderly gentleman who decides to take up an activity that has always terrified him—singing—highlights the concept that, if you would like to in fact absorb the information given to you by your teacher, you need to find something that makes learning fun for you.

Julia Austin has covered topics in healthy lifestyle, leisure and travel, dating and sex for sites such as Discovery online, Yahoo! Shine and Her article topics have ranged from how to diet on vacation to how to ditch a first date and even how to improve one's singing techniques easily with sites like

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