Monday, January 2, 2012

Ignore the Laws Of Life At Your Own Peril

Copyright (c) 2012 Scott F Paradis

Some laws people routinely ignore; you might say at best they serve as guidelines. People often disregard traffic laws - think of texting or speed limits - rules regarding buying political influence or tax laws for instance. Social rules, those made by human beings, are rather flexible and rely on external means of enforcement. Some rules, however, are self-enforcing. These are the laws of life, the "rules of the game", the way things work - you don't have a choice about whether to comply. You ignore laws of life at your own peril.

Examples of laws of life we understand and accept include: gravity, natural cycles, and codependence.

Though we might complain from time to time about the existence of gravity (like when the bathroom scale offers its reading) it is a force we cannot ignore. We must conform to the influence of gravity.

All life operates within cycles of growth, maturity, decline and transition. This is a reality we cannot escape. Everything begins, grows and decays in an ever renewing cycle.

To be alive is to be codependent. We survive as part of biological and mechanical systems. Oxygen, nutrition and other energy transference processes sustain life. If we sever our ties with any of these systems we die.

Our universe functions a certain way - it's just the way things are. People, however, expend an exorbitant amount of energy attempting to evade the law. Ever in search of a shortcut, people chase after what appears to be an exception to the rule only to find the law stands firm. Amongst the rules of life we most often and most painfully ignore:

1) Life intends to grow.

2) Thoughts becomes things.

3) You receive in proportion to what you give.

Life is an ever expanding proposition. Your reason for being, your purpose in life is to grow, to become, to contribute. You are meant to add value. Resisting growth, failing to move forward, destroying instead of building are futile. The law of life requires growth. Choosing not to comply means ultimately being swept aside.

Thought is energy, a powerful, creative form of energy. Within mind resides the power to create the circumstances and experiences of life. Through the power of thought what people think about begins to take shape. If you focus thought, the experience you cultivate manifests. Most people, unaware of this reality or unwilling to put forth effort, refuse to discipline thought. People avoid thinking - evidence of this abounds. Look around.

And finally, people constantly lament their state of lack. They fail to understand that a person receives in proportion to the value they create. You cannot reap what you have not sown. Reward is proportionate to contribution. Mistakenly having bought into the notion that fulfillment is found in stuff, in consuming, we seek first to receive. The law is, however: one must contribute before one takes; one must give before one receives. Any other choice is an attempt to break the law - a law that can't be broken.

Life is a constant struggle for those who disregard the law. It need not be so difficult. Living is a measure of complying with the rules of the game, the laws of life. Don't ignore the most basic and powerful laws. Grow by focusing your thoughts and taking action to add value. Once you contribute you receive what you are due.

The laws of life do not discriminate - they work for everyone. Laws offer the opportunity to flourish, to excel, to enjoy a full and fulfilling life - don't ignore the laws, live by them.

Scott F. Paradis, author of "Promise and Potential: A Life of Wisdom, Courage, Strength and Will" publishes "Insights" available for free at

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