Saturday, July 6, 2013

To Fight Or Not To Fight? (Shakespeare Shmakespeare)

"You might as well stand and fight because if you run, you will only die tired" - Vern Jocque - Sei Shin Kan

I remember the first time I saw the famous Shakespearean play, Hamlet. It was incredible. The intricate set, the music, the drama … I mean … I had absolutely no idea what any of the actors were saying specifically, but judging from the looks on all the other apparently smarter audience member's faces, it was really profound. I'm guessing the play was in Greek, but honestly, I guess that about a lot of things so I don't know really.

I did, however, recognize one line in the play, which makes me officially more cultured than at least three other people on earth …

"To be or not to be? That is the question."

Upon hearing that, I immediately did a Solo ill-Timed Standing Ovation. Now if you've never been to a show with me personally, then you probably have no idea what that is. A Solo ill-Timed Standing Ovation is when you're the only person who is standing and clapping (sometimes doing "the wave"), and you're doing it at the awkwardest possible time. I personally thought it was hilarious, but as is usual when I think I'm hilarious, my wife is regretting things.

Unfortunately for me only, the actor switched back to Greek after that line, so I got frustrated and left for the concession stand (read: bar) for the remainder of the performance.

After stumbling out of the theater what felt like nine hours later, I had two profound questions burning in my mind:

1. Does it not make sense to call an omelet with ham in it a hamlet? Why aren't we doing that?

2. What does "to be or not to be" mean technically speaking? To this day I have no sensible answer for question number one. But, as for me and my house, ham omelets are officially hamlets. Number two, after much contemplation (and Googling), I figured out.

"To be or not to be?" To live or die - which is better?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? I have. If you haven't, it may mean you haven't stopped to think deeply enough about this world. A person whose life's palette is colored predominantly by shades of bliss might do well to consider the old saying about that particular color's relationship to ignorance.

However, as common as it may be for some of us more enlightened and tortured souls to ask ourselves this question, it is officially what I call The Query Of The Wussbag.

Wussbags wish for death.

Warriors fight for life.

"The hardest thing in the world is to assume the mood of a warrior. It is of no use to be sad and complain and feel justified in doing so, believing that someone is always doing something to us. Nobody is doing anything to anybody, much less to a warrior." -Carlos Castaneda

During those moments when life has been so painful for me that I've literally prayed for a freak bubonic plague to come break out on my face and end my misery, I was being a pussy.

Imagine a Navy Seal on a secret mission with orders to protect and defend the American people whimpering like a baby and trying to figure out how to get home just because a few measly little 50 Cal bullets are whizzing by his head. NEVER! Warriors throw themselves into the heat of the battle with full intent to destroy the enemy, save the world, and win. They don't complain or cry about it. And if they die during battle, so be it. Who gives a crap. They're warriors.

I have a much better question for us all to ask …

"To fight or not to fight?"

That is the question.

Similar to that Navy Seal, God has sent you to this earth - the ultimate battlefield - with orders to protect and defend your fellow soldiers, and defeat the enemy. How are you doing with that? Have you saved a life lately? Or are you mainly concerned with saving your own ass?

"But the just shall live by faith; and if he draws back and shrinks in fear My soul has no delight or pleasure in him." - God

Part of becoming truly wealthy involves developing a warrior's mentality. Your mission will be over soon. Could be tomorrow for all you know. You'll either get a medal of honor and a hero's banquet or a dishonorable discharge and a coward's just desserts.

Shakespeare shmakespeare. Greek people don't even have an army I don't think.

Are you going to fight or not?

Make a public commitment out loud to the world in a comment below. Unless you're scared!

Preston Ely is a successful real estate investor, information marketer, serial entrepreneur, author, speaker, life coach, musician and philanthropist. He has also produced a dozen home study courses and membership sites on topics ranging from personal development to creative wealth building. Go to to read more free articles and get yourself on the track to finanical freedom today!

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