Monday, July 15, 2013

The 7 (Thousand) Secrets to Success

You can do it. I swear.

"The complexity of things - the things within things - just seems to be endless. I mean nothing is easy, nothing is simple." - Alice Munro

What does it take to be successful in life? Like, for real.

Contrary to pop psychology there aren't "7 Secrets To Success" … there are 7 thousand. All authors know this, but it just doesn't sell books so screw it - "seven it is," they agreed.

Borders bookstore actually attempted to sell a book called "The Seven Thousand Secrets To Success" last year just as an experiment. Sure enough, people burned the stores down in protest of reality. The "Save The Trees" people showed up to protest as well. Apparently the books were around 8,600 pages each, and that was over their limit. Unfortunately for them they screwed up and unwittingly slayed the last tree on earth with their signs.

Now Borders is out of business. And there is no more paper. Anywhere. Hence … the Kindle.

True story.

Eventually even "7″ became unbearable - and therefore unmarketable - so they had to narrow it down to just one … The Secret. Now people don't need books; they can just sit at home and create things with their words and minds. You know, like witchcraft. (Pause and meditate on that one for a minute.)

It reminds me of a recent trip to the circus. Not the kind with elephants mind you - those are for poor people who think there are seven secrets. This was the one the French folk put together for our morbid viewing pleasure - Cirque Du SoThisiswhathelllookslike.

A guy comes out and starts juggling three tennis balls. "I knew we should have gone to Ringling," I mutter over my breath (I don't go under things as a rule). Then he adds another ball. Then another. Then another. Next thing I know the dude is riding a unicycle, bouncing a ball on his head, playing the harmonica, making each of his eyes roll in opposite directions, and juggling the following inanimate and animate objects with what looked like five arms (honestly though, I may have been hallucinating at this point. I'm pretty sure they pump aerated meth out of the A/C vents at these things) …

- 1 Softball
- 2 Frisbees
- 9 bowling pins
- 1 Beach Volleyball
- 3 Recently Sharpened Samurai Swords (he sliced the arm off an attendee - while juggling - to prove the recentness of the sharpening)
- 17 Ping Pong Balls
- 1 Midget
- A Peeled Cantaloupe

"Midgets aren't supposed to be in the air," I groan.

Then he proceeds to let everything fall, but of course he catches it all in his pocket. One pocket.

"French people are freaking AMAZING!" I internally think but externally say loudly.

"Thank you," the juggler said. Then he levitated off stage.

What's my point? Simply this …

French people are freaking AMAZING!

But it's also this …

Life is not juggling 3 balls. Any fool with a How to Juggle 3 Balls & Influence People book can do that. It's juggling one softball, two Frisbees, nine bowling pins, one beach volleyball, three recently sharpened samurai swords, seventeen ping pong balls, a midget, and a peeled cantaloupe - all while riding on a unicycle, playing the harmonica (WELL. He was playing it WELL in case I didn't mention that), bouncing a ball on your head, and rolling your eyes in counter-circular directions.

Stop thinking the game of life is supposed to be easy. That belief is making you miserable. Accept it for what it is … complex and hard. Then determine within yourself to become smart and strong enough to beat the game. T Harv Eker said it best:

"The secret to success is not to try to avoid or get rid of or shrink from your problems; the secret is to grow yourself so that you are bigger than any problem."

The sooner you accept reality and stop fighting it, the sooner I can get on with the business of making you truly wealthy. Keep reading this blog and it's bound to happen.

And the good news is … you can do it. You can handle the inherent complexity of life. You may or may not think you can, but I'm telling you … you can. One of the 7,000 secrets makes it all possible. We'll get to it.

Or just keep juggling your 3 balls, thinking you're cool and casting spells at home. Whatever.

Preston Ely is a successful real estate investor, information marketer, serial entrepreneur, author, speaker, life coach, musician and philanthropist. He has also produced a dozen home study courses and membership sites on topics ranging from personal development to creative wealth building.
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