Friday, July 26, 2013

Time Management Tips - You Can Use These 5 Golden Keys Create New Effectiveness As You Age

Time management tips just improve with age - that is, your age. By using the following five guidelines, you can address age-related challenges in ways that enhance your humanity, your self-knowledge and your sense of ease in the world.

"Who forces time is pushed back by time. Who yields to time finds time on his side." (The Talmud)

I have a deep respect for the aging process and how enriching it can be. So I am sharing with you some discoveries of mine that have helped me a great deal. Perhaps you can use them to enhance your life, as well.

5 Favorite Stepping Stones To Living Powerfully While Aging

1. Treat Each Sign Of Aging As The Growth Opportunity It Truly Is.

Walking past a store window, you catch an unexpected view of yourself. Does it jar you? Embrace this as an opportunity to revise your sense of yourself. Make a point of proactively taking note in how your body and mind change, with the utmost respect and caring. When you take the initiative to assimilate potentially threatening information, you ground yourself and feel better about yourself.

Think back over these past several weeks. Consider the subtle ways that your efficiency and or energy were less than you'd anticipated. Instead of judging yourself or worrying, validate your insight and accept that this will happen more frequently as you age.

List tasks that you now need more time to complete. By changing your plans to accommodate your actual pace, you are developing more positive control. And your reward will be reduced stress, relaxing out of urgency and more pleasure day to day!

"Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength." (Betty Friedan)

2. Take The Long View And Relax.

Anger and impatience require energy - if you spin in circles, you waste valuable energy. It's helpful to embrace your feelings, as long as you encourage them to flow, rather than churn in whirlpools. Once you've released them, use your creativity and challenge yourself. How can you craft new ways to maintain your productivity, while accepting that you now require more time to accomplish tasks?

As you gain perspective, you become far more realistic about what is essential to maintain, and what you can simply let go. Scott Peck, in his landmark book, The Road Less Traveled, names "balancing" as one of the essential 4 disciplines for solving all life's problems. Aging with wisdom offers you the immense power to simply let go, and let be.

3. Allow Grief To Flow Up And Out.

Grief cleanses. Like your anger, it needs to flow. That's how you make way for the new. Is your self-esteem linked to high productivity and accomplishment? If so, you may initially feel like you've 'hit a wall' when you reduce your pace.

However, as you allow yourself to feel your grief, you will find that aging opens new gateways. If you look forward, not back, and accept your real losses (and honor your accomplishments) you can re-frame this as a time to stretch, savor, and celebrate what truly matters.

"It takes a long time to become young." (Pablo Picasso)

4. Use Humor.

Simply put, humor humanizes. Try to approach complaints about the changes that aging brings with empathy and a humorous anecdote. You see, negativity is highly contagious, but so is a pragmatic view, softened by humor! Create an environment of acceptance... and see how it changes everything,

"Grow old with me, the best is yet to be." (Robert Browning)

5. Grow Into Your Power.

Finally, as you deepen your understanding of what truly matters to you, speak up! Be a strong ally to yourself.

So, what can you do right now to speak out - and take the time and the space you deserve to celebrate your life?

To safeguard your time, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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