Friday, July 12, 2013

Relationship Break Up Advice

If you have recently broken up with your partner it can be heartbreaking. All of the plans and dreams that you had for a happy future together now are all just gone. Or are they?

You might know why your relationship broke up; it might be an argument, an affair, a misunderstanding or a lack of trust and appreciation.

However, relationships can be saved and if you do want your ex back, you might be worried you'll make more mistakes by trying too hard to get them back so you might not take action at all. There's a lot you can do to save your relationship. However, no matter what plan of action you choose, you have to consider the following if you want to get your ex back:

Take it seriously.
If you want your lover back, you need to be committed and you need a plan you can follow seriously. If you have no confidence in yourself or if you think you can win them back by doing what you have always done, you may not have the outcomes you want.

Be willing to change.
Are you willing to change to get your ex back? If you continuously were doing something in the relationship which caused your partner to leave, are you really willing to take control of it so that you can get your ex back?

Manage inner conflicts. Perhaps the reason the relationship ended is hidden within yourself. If you are having emotional issues with yourself, such as addiction or low self-esteem, then focus your energy to fixing yourself first.

Pay attention to what they want.
Take a moment to stop thinking how much pain you are feeling right now. Instead consider it from your ex-lover's perspective. Have you hurt them just as much? How can you help them?

Take action.
There is difference to saying you will change and actually changing. To show your ex you really are going to change, you need to start putting that change into action. Taking action and showing your ex how committed you are to your relationship will mean more to them than any words you could say.

Don't panic.
Any action done in a state of panic at this stage will only create a negative result. This means you absolutely must not fall into the trap of calling your ex on the telephone when you are drunk, sending text message after text message, secretly following them or speaking to their friends and family to try to get your ex to talk to you.

Don't presume they'll come back.
You can never expect that your ex-partner will come back to you. If you do think that way, it will be evident in what you say and do and this will only push your ex away further. Be genuine and loving to them but never expect to get the same in return.

Be humble.
You need to understand what is most important. Winning the battle or winning back love and reconstructing a special relationship. Swallow your pride and do not let a good thing go just because of your ego.

Look after yourself.
When a relationship breaks up, people can often look to drown their sorrows with alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs. But this is not the time to start abusing your body. You need to be in the best shape that you can be right now. This means eating healthy foods, taking regular exercise, and getting out of the house. Substance abuse is not only bad for your body, it will make you feel worse, not better, in the long run.

When a relationship is in trouble or breaks up it is often very difficult to know what to do if you want to get back with your ex. For help in reconciliation, regaining the trust and passion lost due to whatever reasons that caused the breakup and genuine advice on exactly what to do and what to say to really get your ex back - especially if you are the only one trying, please visit

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