Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Time Management Tips - Three Top-Ranked Time Tips For Decisively Exercising Power Over Your Life

"If you're willing to do for a year what others won't, you can live for the rest of your life the way others can't." Connie Ragen Green

Time management tips are tools to empower yourself in all aspects of your life, because every life choice is also a time choice. So developing decisiveness to pour your energy into what matters most to you is of utmost importance. It is hardly surprising that of my wide range of articles on time management, three of them that were most widely read and responded to address the central themes of time decisions and what helps us make the best time choices possible. They are as follows:

1. Achieving Success through Heart-Based Time Management

2. Lining up External and Internal Values for Empowering Time Choices

3. Overcoming Your People-Pleaser Time Gremlin to Retain Positive Control Over Your Time.

Working with 3 of the top time tips in depth will carry you beyond your current way of doing things in a way that scanning through 10 or 20 top tips never can. So go slow, go deep and go steady to walk your path of power.

1. Genuine Success Has a Strong Foundation in Heart-Based Time Management.

To make genuine progress developing decisiveness, refer to these following points:

* Regard success as a step-by-step process. Remain focused on your current progress to avoid burnout.

* Touch bases with yourself to make absolutely sure that your time choices match your deepest values. Consider this as a constantly developing dialogue between your mind, your body and your spirit.

* View success as both active commitments and a state of inner dynamic harmony. While remaining humble, make the caliber of your time choices as high as possible.

* Commit to making the necessary difficult decisions and to follow through with them. And then take them to the next step. In short, walk towards the sound of the cannons.

2. Align Internal and External Values for Powerful Choices

You cannot cover uncharted territory unless your risks are based in full integrity and congruent values:

* External values are those that concern what you prioritize most highly. This may include family, spirituality, health and career. The order of importance may shift through the years for you.

* Internal values reveal the way that you proceed through your life. For example, these may include genuineness, integrity, loyalty, and responsibility.

Pay close attention to your thoughts, your words and actions. Whenever they don't line up with your external and internal values, take that as a sign that an overhaul is needed!

3. Reduce the Power of Your People-Pleaser Time Gremlin

Whenever you place others' priorities over your own, you forfeit your ability to plan effectively. Moreover, any hidden bargains that you strike are bound to backfire.

As an antidote to your People-Pleaser Time Gremlin, answer these questions in one or two brief sentences:

* What new challenges will you face when you take the risk to put yourself first?

* If you take full responsibility to meet challenges on your own terms, what is the worst thing that can realistically happen?

* How will meeting new challenges with autonomy help you grow? How will your values stand out?

* What is your very first step? (One you can perform right now... or in a single sitting?)

Challenge can provide the most profound inspiration. By remaining with the tips that seem most uncomfortable, you will expand your possibilities in ways you can't now imagine. What a wonderful use for your time!

To safeguard your time, sign up for our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at http://thetimeschool.com/SuccessKit

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond disappointment, and overwhelm. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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