Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Seeing Success Is Literally a Matter of Time!

How do you know if you're successful?

It sounds like a big question, but there's actually a simple answer - you're getting what you want!

However, you're not going to get what you want if people view you as a flake who isn't capable of doing what you promise to do, no matter what. So, when you're constantly running late, it tells people you're not reliable and you don't care - or, worse, you only care about yourself.

Other people aside, being late can also affect your self-esteem. It silently tells you you're not smart enough, organized enough, and good enough to be where you should on time.

So, if you want to be successful, you have to start by being on time. But how do you do that?

1. Keep a schedule - and not just in your brain.

Write it down on a piece of paper or go high-tech and punch it into your smartphone. No matter how you do it, just have a system for knowing where you need to be and when. If you try to commit everything to memory, you'll forget things and run behind.

And, get your daily schedule organized the night before. That way, your day will be all planned as soon as it starts - which means you won't have to worry about starting off behind!

2. Give yourself some leeway.

Think it'll take 30 minutes to get downtown for that big meeting? Leave 45 minutes in advance. That way, the worst that can happen is you're a little early and you have some time to kill - instead of being late and making a terrible first impression.

3. Never run out of gas.

Hitting "E" when you least expect it is a surefire way to be late. After all, there never seems to be a gas station nearby when you really need one! So, make it a habit to fill up every time you get down to a quarter of a tank.

And, as an added benefit, you won't have to spend quite as much on gas as you would if you were running on fumes!

4. Learn how to say no.

Maybe the problem isn't a matter of organization. Maybe you're just stretched too thin. If you're always stopping to lend a helping hand, it's no wonder you can't be on time! So, feel free to say "no" when you've already got a full plate. There's no shame in telling people you're on a deadline for something else or you're headed out the door to take care of another issue. In fact, they'll probably respect you even more for taking your other commitments so seriously!

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the author of "Constructive Science 101: 3 Keys to Getting What You Want" that reveals Wallace D. Wattles' simple, easy-to-understand formula for success. Grab your free copy now at: http://www.constructivescience101.com

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