Monday, July 23, 2012

Particulars About The Unhealthy Effects Of Lisdexamfetamine

What is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? It is a chronic behavioral disorder affecting 3 to 5 percent of school children and characterized by impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder commonly leads to difficulty in psychological, academic and social functioning. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder not only impacts kids but there are also older people suffering from it.

Nowadays, there are many approaches and strategies used in inpatient rehab centers to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Add treatment plans usually involve medications, therapy, change in lifestyle, counseling or mixture of all these things. Results of studies reveal that mixture of medication and behavioral therapy is the most effective in managing hyperactivity. However, there are contradicting studies that reveal the dangerous effects of hyperactivity medications like lisdexamfetamine. This medicine is sold in different brand names, doses and prices.

Though attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drugs are deemed as the answers to your prayers, discovering its negative effects can be your worst nightmare as well. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 10% of kids and six percent of adults discontinued the use of lisdexamfetamine due to its negative effects. Researchers found out that lisdexamfetamine use is associated with addiction to lisdexamfetamine.

The effects of lisdexamfetamine vary from person to person. What are the usual drawbacks of lisdexamfetamine use? Below are some of the negative effects of lisdexamfetamine:

• Gastrointestinal - The gastrointestinal side effects of this medicine include queasiness, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and vomiting.

• Psychiatric - The psychiatric harmful effects of this drug include irritability, tic, uneasiness, dysphoria, mental depression, euphoria, Tourette syndrome and tremors.

• Cardiovascular - The cardiovascular-related detriments include stroke, tachycardia, palpitations, myocardial infarction, sudden death and rise in blood pressue.

• Dermatologic - Dermatologic disadvantages of this medicine include skin rashes, epidermal necrolysis and Steven Johnson Syndrome.

• Genitourinary - The genitourinary effects of lisdexamfetamine include impotence, decreased sex drive, changes in sexual desire and sexual dysfunction.

• Nervous system - The perils of this medicine on the nervous system include sleeping disorders, somnolence, dizziness, seizures, dyskinesia, aggression and hallucinations.

• Other side effects are weight loss, mood changes, increased sweating, fatigue, fever, drowsiness, blurred vision and headaches.

Some individuals encountered one, two or combination of these negative effects. If you or your loved one encounters these side effects, be sure to inform your doctor immediately to get quick diagnosis and treatment.

Joey Young is an author on topics about drug abuse and features of Inpatient Treatment In Kentucky.

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