Sunday, July 22, 2012

Overcoming Phobias

Many of us suffer from irrational phobias that can cripple certain aspects of our lives. Some of us learn to live with them, others get them cured and a few totally rearrange their lives to avoid the fear completely. Here are a few ways you can overcome some specific fears.

Bees and Wasps

The interesting point about those who are afraid of bees and wasps (and hornets too, one would imagine) is that a lot of them have never been stung. While it's easy to argue that they've never been stung because their fear has driven them on to be particularly careful of avoiding the stinging insects the fear is usually disproportionate to the worst thing that could happen.

Obviously it smarts to be stung by one bee or wasp, but unless you have a specific allergy to the sting then it's no great problem and the pain is pretty temporary. However, because of the fact that the sufferer has never been stung he or she builds the pain up in his or her mind, meaning that imagined pain is much greater than the actual pain. The cure: get stung.


A fear of heights is a relatively common phobia and is one that can have really rather crippling effects on how we live our lives. For example, skiing is a pretty common past time but for those who fear heights it is often just something they cannot do, for the simple reason that they feel they have no control over their environment.

While a respect for heights is rational - after all, falling off a cliff edge is often fatal - a fear of it is not. Therefore you can become hypnotised to overcome it. Of course, if that's not something that appeals to you then a flight in a hot air balloon could be a potential remedy. This is because while you are exposed to very great heights while in a balloon you are actually incredibly safe, and so it is possible that by staying in this situation for some time you can become used to it and therefore more comfortable with heights. It's unlikely you'll end up sky diving or going bungee jumping, but it can be an enjoyable hobby once it has served its initial purpose of remedying your fear.

As you can see, there are many different ways we can overcome our phobias and fears because we suffer from so many. What makes you break into a cold sweat?

British School Of Ballooning provides Hot Air Balloon Flights throughout the south of England. Hot Air Ballooning is the perfect way to enjoy the scenery in the Home Counties. Find out more about hot air balloon flights in London here

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