Monday, July 23, 2012

Alcohol Addiction- How Alcohol Influences The Activities In The Brain

The growing tolerance of a person to alcohol will expose himself to the various devastating effects of alcohol addiction. Some study shows that the high percentage of traffic injuries which often leads to deaths is related to alcohol. Alcoholism is also the reason for the growing number of deaths because of health issues that include kidney, liver and pancreatic disorders. Alcohol is even known to disturb the activity in the brain.

Among all the long term medical issues of alcoholism, the most dangerous is the impacts on the brain. According to experts of alcohol rehabilitation continuous consumption of alcohol can lead to long lasting changes of the cell activities in the brain. It mainly influences the tiny living cells called neurons that are engaged in the electrical activity of the brain.

The brain activity of every person is constantly transforming as the brain cells are adapting to the environmental stimuli, sensations and bodily demands. The neurons absorb data through the ears, eyes, nose and other senses. The electrical activity of the brain is shaped and developed through a person's life experiences. When an individual consumes depressants like alcohol, the transmissions of signals between neurons will be disrupted. The physical effects of alcohol addiction will weaken the performance of the brain cells resulting in lack of coordination and slurred speech. Neurons are also controlling the heartbeat and other bodily functions. Too much consumption of alcohol will disable the activity of the neurons affecting the liver, kidney and heart.

Continuous consumption of alcohol leads to long term alterations of the brain's neurons. Many experts of inpatient treatment facility believed that most alcoholics will have trouble in admitting their problem mainly because the normal function of the brain was changed. This means that the neurons have adapted the person's drinking habit and consider it as normal.

The brain will actually alert the body about the effects of the components of alcohol. This is when an alcoholic experience nausea, hangover, intoxication and other signs. However, when a person regularly drinks higher amounts of alcohol, the neurons will adapt to the person's drinking pattern allowing him to consume more alcohol and produce a stronger tolerance. So, when an alcoholic suddenly ceases drinking, the neurons will react by sending signals that will urge him to drink. These signals are experienced in the form of withdrawal symptoms like cravings, agitations and irritations. Alcoholism can permanently disrupt the activity of the body organs causing serious health problems.

The behavioral patterns noticed in alcoholics are mainly cause by alcohol which interferes with the brain cell activity. Untreated addiction may weaken the cells and damage the brain tissues.

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