Friday, July 27, 2012

How To Squeeze Every Ounce Of Productivity Out Of Your Day

If there's one baffling thing between the poorest person on skid row and the richest person on Wall Street, is they both have the same amount of time. Many people think that some people are more highly skilled than others, but in reality, what we decide to do with our time has a huge impact on how our lives turnout. Sure, it's fun to eat some Doritos and watch reruns of "I Love Lucy" all day long, but that won't generally get you to the head of the class. In this article, you'll learn some helpful tips on getting the most out of your day, so you can achieve more in life.

Sleep is wonderful. Everybody loves sleep. Except kids. You can't get them to go to sleep to save your life. But we aren't kids. We are adults. We've got to be productive. And one great way to get a lot more done is to get up an hour earlier every morning. Sure, this sounds like the worst possible option, especially when you are staring your alarm clock in the face, but that first hour in the morning can literally make or break your day. Think of all the planning, brainstorming, and writing you can do in that hour. If it helps, keep a big cup of coffee next to your bed, and slam it down as soon as your alarm clock goes off.

Meditating is a great way to quiet the mind. While it might seem like a paradox to try and be more productive by sitting and watching your breath for thirty minutes, but it really does. It will get rid of those nagging voices that make your second guess every decision. And that means you'll be much more clear headed, so you won't waste any time trying to figure out what to do. You'll just get a clear idea, and then do it.

Having a list is vital. That's one of the things you should do with that extra hour you're getting every day. List all the important things you've got to do in the day. Then check them off as you do them. Of course, they'll be plenty of days where you don't get to all of them. Just add those to the next days list. As soon as you can check off all the items in one day, you can relax and watch TV.

It doesn't help much to be super productive if you aren't aiming all that productivity toward a worthy goal. Set up three or four really important things you'd like to achieve in life, and then make sure your activities are congruent with those goals. That way, each day will be put you closer on your path of glory and success.

When you take these steps to heart, your life will take on a whole new meaning. All your actions will have meaning, and you will feel a real purpose in life. And that will make all the difference.

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