Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Warn Against Abuse Of Anticonvulsant Drugs

Epilepsy is a mental disorder characterized by recurring convulsions. Convulsions are unmanageable behavior brought about by changes in the brain activity. Seizures must occur many times before one can be diagnosed with epilepsy. A single seizure episode doesn't mean an individual is epileptic. There are many possible causes of epilepsy but rare cases seem to leave many puzzled to the cause of the condition.

Traumatic brain injuries, Alzheimer's disease, brain infections, strokes, and congenital disorders are common factors behind epilepsy. That is why many of those who experience from this disease are children and older adults. Symptoms of an epileptic patient vary from one case to another. Some individuals have uncontrolled violent shaking while others have simple staring spells. The type of seizure that occurs in a patient is mostly similar in every attack. Prior to a seizure episode, an individual may feel a strange sensation which is called an aura. Sensations like tingling, strange smell or emotional changes often precede a seizure which may help warn the person and others.

Cure for epilepsy can be through surgery and medication. People who have scarred brain tissue due to traumatic injuries may be given anticonvulsant medicines to control seizure attacks. Anticonvulsant medications are considered as controlled substances and must be given under medication from a licensed physician. People who have been prescribed with this kind of drug must follow what has been advised because this type of drug has high risk of addiction. The effects of using anticonvulsant medications are similar to sedatives. They are considered as nervous system depressants. An example of an anticonvulsant commonly prescribed to epileptic patients are benzodiazepines. These drugs have properties that manage anxiety, anticonvulsive and muscle relaxant. The dosage and form of administration of these drugs depend on the prescription given by the physician and the severity of the seizure episodes.

Doctors warn patients of the negative potential effects of prolonged use of benzodiazepines. Long term use of these drugs can develop tolerance and dependence among patients. There are people who take the drugs at high doses far higher than what has been prescribed. There's danger for addiction when this happens. If addiction has been developed, there are drug treatment centers that cater to people who have suffered addiction from prescription medicine.

There are individuals who use drugs for epilepsy even though they haven't been diagnosed with the disease. Illegal purchase and abuse of benzodiazepines are common because many of its users are after the immediate effects of the medications. Potential for addiction is also higher for this type of drug user. There are drug rehabilitation programs that also provide help and help to those who suffer from this type of drug addiction.

Ericka Lopez is an expert author on topics related to drug treatment programs in Santa Ana, for more information click drug treatment centers in Louisville

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