Tuesday, July 24, 2012

5 Habits We Must Banish To Be Happy

Have you ever wondered why some people are simply much happier than others? These are the ones who are always smiling and optimistic, even when times are tough, fulfilled when everyone else feels empty, the ones that see the good behind every bad situation.

Good news - although genetics has something to do with their everlasting joy, still, their attitude is that which greatly influences the way they react to adversities and trials. They have acquired some good habits which enable them to always remain positive, and banished other destructive behaviour.

Here is a partial list of the attitudes they have eradicated from their lives.

Blaming others and making excuses. It's very easy to point fingers when things are not to your liking. You could blame your upbringing, your employees, your spouse, or your financial situation for being the lonesome fool that you are. Reality check: whatever you are experiencing is a sum total of the decisions you have made in the past.

When you blame others for the things you are experiencing, you directly deny responsibility and even worsen your problems. Why give your power away? Start taking responsibility for your own life, because if you did not allow certain things to happen, then they wouldn't have. Using scapegoats is equivalent to making excuses, so the sooner you own up to your bad situation, the sooner you can be on the road to correcting them.

Trying to control the uncontrollable. Hey, you may think you are a superhero, but you're not. You cannot be responsible for everything - thinking that you can control every situation. Sure, you must take responsibility for your life, but this does not mean that you are responsible for everything. When you think you can alter or change everything that is not to your liking, then you are merely setting yourself up for frustration. What you can do is to control the way you react to things.

If you let the negative cloud your judgment and your perception, then it will. Your happiness is greatly affected by the things you focus on. When you focus on the good things, then you change into an optimistic and yet realistic person who knows that not all days can be good. Let go of what you cannot control.

Running away from problems and fears. Your life is a culmination of all the good and bad things that you have experienced in the past. Some of these bad experiences have turned into fears, which is understandable. But the sooner you face up to your fears, the sooner you can step out of your comfort zone. Fears prevent you from achieving your full potential. They stop you from making big decisions, and prevent you from taking risks. We cannot live in a world completely devoid of risks - otherwise, we will we will never have progress nor can we experience changes. Stop cramming yourself into that comfortable hole you are in and allow yourself the chance of learning from a mistake, when you do fail, get up and try again. Letting your fears take over your life is merely "existing," and not "living." Own up to your problems, or your problems will gobble

Trying to be someone you're not. Probably one of the greatest sources of misery is pretending you are someone whom you know is not the real you. It is easy to be lured into the trap of imitation, especially when everyone else around you seems to be made from the same mold. It takes courage to be unique and different. You may encounter ridicule or opposition, but eventually, people will appreciate you in your uniqueness. Never change just because you want to please other people - only change if you know that by doing so, you can be a better version of the REAL you.

Being ungrateful. Not appreciating the things we were given is also a great source of unhappiness. It is tempting to always want to wish for the things you do not possess, but remember that wanting something is not the same as having it. It is not cool to constantly desire to have things, and always feel envious about what others have. It's like you don't appreciate the things you already have in your life.

Being ungrateful is never pausing long enough to realize that you are more blessed than others, and much luckier than most. When you think about your blessings and learn to appreciate them, then the greater your chances of being happy.

Be thankful for your life, your possessions, your family, your job and your home. You have much more than some others have. Don't wait for these things to be taken away from you before you realise that you are lucky - just the way you are. Stop thinking about what's missing, and start thinking about what's present.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit http://www.mysuperlifetoday.com

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